Chapter 34: The End of the Fight

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Reaper's p.o.v.

"When you killed him... Did anything change the future?" She asked and this time... Her question hit me... My hands started to shake memories flashed back to my head... I was shocked at was she said... "Your face may be emotionless, but i can see through your eyes... You are sad, you are shocked, and you are scared...." She paused and looked me straight into my eyes and my grip in my sword is starting to loosened.... "This isn't the real you...." She continued....

"Y-you do-don't kn-know wh-what y-you're t-talking a-about..." I said stuttering and my sword slipped in my hands.... I was just so shock and my mind isn't responding to it.... Memories flashed....

"I know you're scared.... But it doesn't mean that you should do what he does... what he did..." She said again.... "To be honest.... I know who you really are... I know why you are with those assassins..." My eyes looked at her... I looked at her eyes... Trying to find if she is lying to me.... "You wanted to kill me because you thought that i was the one who made him hate you.... But you're wrong... It wasn't me...." Tears started to roll down to my cheeks, her words were hitting me so hard... "It was your own brother...." She said and more tears started to roll down and my knees became weak that it made me kneel down....

"No.... You're.... Lying...." I said not wanting to believe in her even though she was saying the truth...

"You know it... You just don't want to believe it.... I can relate with you honestly..." She positioned her self... She was hugging her knees... I can see that she was also crying... "I always  ask myself... 'Is killing gonna solve the problem?'... 'Why do they always want someone dead?'... 'Why is this world so cruel?'... I ask so many questions to my self honestly... I know you ask these too to your self..." She said looking at her hands...

"Hnn... You're right... I just didn't want to believe that big bro did it...." She looked at me... "I just couldn't believe that he did that..." I said while the memories flashed through my mind... She just kept silent and just looked at me.... "I received a mission.... It's a one year mission and i had to leave my wife and my son...." I said and looked at Nerida's corpse and Niko's unconscious body.... "My son, Niko didn't know that i had a twin big brother, Nerida and i kept it as a secret for big bro didn't want the son to know him...." I continued.... "That's why when i was about to go i contacted big bro, so he could have my role for a year... Me and Nerida discussed about it and she was fine with it, we didn't want Niko to question Nerida why i left that's why we decided to have big bro take my role for a year.... Nerida was having a doubt, but i said that we already decide it... And he came before i left... In my mission i shouldn't be distracted... I should be focused... I didn't call my wife nor wrote a letter for her, i didn't read her letters because i didn't want to be distracted... And because i know that they are ok and are safe... But that's what i only thought...." I said as i was remembering that past....

"You thought they are safe and ok because its your big brother that is looking out for them... But it was the opposite, isn't it?" She asked.. I nodded...

"Very clever for a young girl like you..." I said... " You're right it was the opposite... A year has passed and i was about to go home... And when i was at home... I was about to surprise them, but...."


"I told you don't send him a letter nor call him, didn't i?!" An angry voice said angrily... It was big bro's voice....

"Let go of me..." A feminine voice said and her voice has a hint that she was crying.... It was my wife, Nerida...

"Shut up!" Big bro's voice is angrier than before... I was curious as to what is happening that's why i followed where their voice is coming from....

"Let go of me... I need to find my son..." Nerida's voice was so desperate and when i already found them....


A loud slap was heard and it echoed... My eyes widened at what i am seeing... Big bro's eyes and face is giving a hint that he was angry and was already loosing control.... He was about to slap Nerida again, but i pushed him... My own body just reacted on its own...

"Nerida are you ok?..." I asked and as i looked at her she was full of bruises.... My eyes widened in shock... My fists clenched... I sensed someone at my back... My body again just reacted on its own and punched that someone... I couldn't control my own body, its like it has its own mind that i couldn't stop it.... I punched and punched and punched him again and again and this time my hand went to my boots and took out my kunai...


Yuki's p.o.v.

I just looked at him.... As he was telling me his story... And i was starting to feel something from my deep wounds.... 'Freak the pain killer is beginning to fade..' I said in my minds as i bit my lower lip...

"You... Killed him... Because you... Loose control of... Yourself, didn't you?" I asked trying to feel like i'm still ok despite my deep wounds... My breathing is becoming unstable again, but i keep on trying not to make it obvious...

"Yeah... I didn't mean to kill him, but i did it...." He said...

"Then there's no need to punish.... Yourself... Its.. Only an Accident..... You didn't.... Mean it..." I said and i could already feel the stinging sensation from my deep wounds....

"Maybe you're right, but its too late to back out know..." He said as he was unbuttoning his coat....

"What....?" I couldn't ask what i was about to ask when i saw a belt bomb in his waist... My throat went dry...

"I was planning to take everyone with me, but thanks to you i changed my mind...." He said, i wanted to speak but when i open my mouth no voice would come out..... "I was the reason why my big bro killed those families... You know that from the start... You know that you and your friends are all connected.... I know that you tried to save those families.... You are the first person who her parents got killed.... I was so depressed to what he did to everyone.... We were all friends.... This is the reason why we, no why i continued to kill....." He said standing up and walking towards the curtains in the left side...

"Don't..." I said... Finally i could speak... "Nothing will change.... Please... I know its your.... Fault, but please.... Don't kill yourself.... I beg you...." I could feel tears streaming down my face as i was begging him... I wasn't expecting that it would turn out like this....He opened the curtains and the door and it was already dawn.... He only looked at me and my smiled...

"I am thankful that i met you..." He said and walked straight....

"No... PLEASEE!!!!" I shouted, crying and was trying to go after him, but i couldn't move already.... And he looked at me one more time...

"Take care of him.... Thank you for everything..." He said and jumped.... Everything was like in slow motion that i was shocked at what happened....

"YUKI!" I heard father's voice as my vision started to blur...

"No..." I said for the last time before everything went black...



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