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Chapter Seven

"If people don't understand your silence...Then how would they understand your words?"

~Reid's POV~

        I was beyong happy, getting Rachel back. It felt like this, this crushing weight had finally lifted off my shoulders. However, at the same time, I knew I shouldn't be as happy as I was. Rachel's kidnappers were face to face with Charlotte and we never even knew.
He knows the realtionship between me and Rachel. I....have to take these guys down, I have to take him down. Time was ticking by and Rachel's safety, along with Charlotte's, was circling the drain.

"I...um don't hear you curse a lot...it's a little funny." Rachel said quietly, looking up at me with a hint of a smile.

   I felt blush creep onto my cheeks as i cleared my throat and helped her stand up. I was about to respond to her when she gasped and her legs gave out. I managed to catch her just in time. As soon as my hands wrapped around her waist, she straightened herself up and stepped away. Her face was bright red and she was panting.

"Rachel! Are you okay!?" I asked frantically, my fingers grasping my cellphone.

   She widened her eyes and slapped the phone out of my hands, resulting in it tumbling to the floor. Her hands covered her mouth as she tried to apologize.

"I'm f-fine. I'm so sorry R-Reid...I-I please forgive me. You promised I didn't have to go to the hospital. Please!" She begged, gripping the egde of the desk for support.

   I closed the space between us and tentatively held out my hand. She looked at it, her hand reaching out. After a couple of seconds, she grabbed my hand and allowed me to pull her to me. She put all of her weight against me and her head was buried into my chest.
When she had calmed down, she slowly pulled away and looked up at me. I liked looking into her eyes, it was like opening a book. I liked reading her. A part of me felt ashamed for this, but lately I haven't really been listening to reason.

"We're going to find them, Rachel. I know we are. You just have to trust us." I said, confidence ringing strong in my voice.

   We both soon heard footsteps down the hallway, and we both stepped away from one another. I turned to see Hotch standing in the doorway. He gave me a stern nod and turned to Rachel.

"Hello Rachel, the rest of the team is coming in a few minutes. I haven't told them why yet.....I assumed you'd like to tell them personally?" Hotch asked, his hands clasped behind his back.

   Rachel nodded shyly and gave him a small smile. Her eyes flickered over to me nervously for a split second before she looked at the ground.

"Alright then, in the meantime, I need to get back to my wife. If this guy is on the loose, and he knows where I live, I want to make sure they are going to be safe. I will be back later and Rachel..I won't stop until they are all brought down." He said sternly, seeing the timid grin on Rachel's face.

   He walked out the door and I caught a glimpse of Charlotte napping on the couch before the door closed. I looked over at Rachel and found her already staring at me.
   I noticed she was still in the same attire from the night i found her. Her skirt was still ripped and now coated with mud and spots of dry blood that had stained. Her jacket was gone, only leaving her in her blouse that was also in bad shape. She wasn't wearing any shoes and her legs were beaten and scratched up. I put my hand gently on her shoulder and she looked up at me.

"Would you like to take a shower, get some clean clothes, and rest? I think J.J keeps an extra pair of clothes in her office, and the bathrooms are right down the hall...." I said, watching her nod and look down at herself.

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