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It is time for
the baby to be born. We went to the hospital and I laid down. The doctor came in and told me to take deep breaths. I pushed and breathed.
My child was born. He was a little boy. He was taken to a different room. I was panicking. The told me he was un healthy. I cried.
After 4 hours I finally got to see him. He had metal on half of his face and her also had metal on his right hand. The doctor hands me him and he just lays there on my chest. "We are going to have to figure out why he was born with metal." "You are not going to touch him!" I say sternly. "I am afraid we are going to have to, miss." "No you won't. He was just born. You are not going to lay a hand on him. Even when he is older." "Fine have it your way! See how all the kids will treat him."
I am in shock that he would say that.
The only thing I can think of saying I say. "LEAVE NOW!" He walks out the door. I give chase is son. "He is the most precious baby I have ever met." "Yes he is"
I get up and get my clothes, to go change. "U ready to leave?" I ask. "Yes." "What should we name him?" "That is up to you." "Um... how about Jake." "That works."
We put Jake in a carrier, then we headed out the door. When we got home Chase's parents were holding and loving on Jake."He is so cute." "Why does he have metal on his face and hand?" "We don't know." "He is still perfect." I take mason up to my room and lay him in his crib. I lay down on my bed and I fall asleep.

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