New home

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We arrived at our new house. I hated not being there with Jake. But I am going back for him.
I go to the car to unpack my things.
(Time skip)
We just got done unpacking and we now are going to get some food. When we get back home me and chase talk about Jake.
"I need to go back for him." "NO! I am not losing you too." "You aren't going to lose me." "You aren't going and I am going to make sure of it." "Chase... you don't want to know that Jake is living his life like this do you." "You know what I don't care any more." "I am done with you go live somewhere else." "Fine." "I HATE YOU SO MUCH! HOW CAN YOU NOT CARE FOR YOUR OWN SON!" He went up stairs and packed his things. He came back down stairs. "YOU ARE A WORTHLESS, HIDEOUS, AND YOU ARE NEVER GOING TO BE LOVED EVER. YOU WILL NEVER FIND SOME ONE LIKE ME. SO BYE FOREVER, LIZZIE!"
He left. I went upstairs and cried to sleep.

(Next day)
I wake up and get ready. I go downstairs to remember what Chase said to me last night. He was a idiot to leave me.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 01, 2018 ⏰

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