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They rose before the sun, wanting to return to their stolen truck before they could easily be identified. Though their clothes were still damp they dressed after ensuring the building was clear of any evidence of their presence.

The walk to the truck was quiet; no cars passed on the road, and there was no need for them to speak. Will had slept better last night than he had for days. They had managed to keep each other just warm enough to be comfortable. There was something about Hannibal's presence at his side that made Will feel safe. It was odd, considering all the times the man had tried to kill him.

They reached the truck and eased back onto the road, heading away from the scene of last night's murder. They had already risked checking on one crime scene, and they couldn't take the chance that the vehicle being might be recognized.

"We will need to find a new car tonight," Hannibal noted, as if he'd read his companion's thoughts.

"Where are we headed?"

"I think it's time we pay dear Jack a visit, don't you?" He glanced at his passenger.

Will stared ahead, once again feeling numb and emotionless. "I suppose. He's already lived long past his time."

The driver smiled slightly. "That he has."

There was a moment of silence before Will asked his next question. "Are we going to eat him?" There it was again, the 'we'. Here it seemed a little more out of place since he was talking about himself eating another person – someone who had been his friend. Then again, his psychiatrist had been feeding him human since the day they met. It wasn't new, though he now knew what he would be putting into his body.

"It was a thought. What do you think?"

Why did he always turn these things on him? Had he not passed his test? Did he want to see if this was an act, and just how far Will was willing to take it? "Do you think I'm playing you?" He asked quietly.

"You have before," Hannibal pointed out. His voice suggested he was hurt, as if he'd never really forgiven him.

"So have you."

Again the twitch of a smile. "True," the older man acquiesced, "but you delayed your fate, while I was pushing you towards your full potential. So I wonder: how far will you go to save your own life?"

"I don't think you'll kill me," Will told him. "Not now. Before I thought I was saving myself from you. Now I've realized that you were the one trying to save me all along, and I must save me from me."

Hannibal smiled more fully this time. "Save yourself, kill them all."

It was something he'd said to the Dragon, Will knew, but it seemed far more appropriate in the context of their list. "Yes. I will eat what you cook," he said, answering the original question.

Satisfied, the cannibal let the cabin fall into silence once again. Will's stomach growled, but he didn't know where they might be safe to find food at this time. People were starting to wake up, and there were enough eyes watching that would likely recognize them. They had been quite the celebrities for a while, and he was sure Freddie Lounds had written something about their little display by the sea.

Speaking of... "Freddie Lounds," he broke the silence, his tone a mix between a question and a statement.


"She's next." She had been enough of a pain that Will knew he would have no trouble taking her life. He may even enjoy it.

"Very well," Hannibal replied turning to avoid a stoplight with a camera. "How would you like to go about it?"

Will thought about the last time he'd 'killed' Freddie. She had broken into his shed and seen the setup Jack had helped him with, to give his story substance. He'd gotten pepper-sprayed and nearly shot, and ended up not only dragging the reporter out of her car window but ripping out a chunk of her hair. He had to admit, it had been kind of fun to frighten her. Keeping a straight face while he slipped into her view as she dug through the freezer had been difficult. This time the threat would be real, and he would have Hannibal to back him up when she bolted.

"I want to catch her snooping for a story," He said at last. "Like I did the first time."

"It will take time watching her to pick a place of opportunity," the more experienced killer warned. "We will have to find a place to stay a little longer term than a foreclosed house if we are to pull this off and remain undetected."

Will swallowed, trying to think of a place where they could stayout of sight but still have access to food, clothing, and Freddie. "There are some vacation homes not far from where I lived when we first met. We could stay in one of those."

Hannibal considered it. "Show me the way," he requested, glancing over at his passenger again, "and let's hope they keep their pantry stocked."

"Do you mean normal food, or your kind of food?"

Hannibal simply smiled and drove on.


They found a good place, tucked into the trees and far enough from any neighbors that they could safely have the lights on without being noticed. A small stream ran not far from the back of the house, and there was a well-maintained backyard. Hannibal and looked at it with a critical eye, but thought that there must be a paid landscaping crew to take care of it. They would simply have to lie low when they came bye and they would be fine.

Much to Will's delight, there was some food stocked. Mostly canned goods and other non-perishables, but it was something. Hannibal managed to cook them a decent chili out of the corn and beans, though he seemed rather dejected that it lacked his kind of food. Will was amused by the silent distaste the doctor emanated, and he seemed all the more irritated by his chosen companion's satisfaction.

His stomach finally quieted, it didn't take Will long to find a warm bed and snuggle under the blankets. Their weight was mildly familiar, but he couldn't seem to find rest. He tossed and turned, fading in and out of uncomfortable haze.

"Can't sleep?"

The voice from the doorway caused the restless man to jump and bolt upright, staring at Hannibal's silhouette. He relaxed after a moment when he realized who it was and shook his head, running his hands down his face. "Outside of my time under arrest, I haven't actually slept alone," he pointed out. "I always had the dogs with me, and then Molly too."

Hannibal seemed to disapprove of the mention of their last victim, but didn't say anything. He just considered his companion for a moment and slowly walked to the edge of the bed. He wore a loose pair of pajama pants he must have found in a drawer somewhere. Will had merely worn his undershirt and boxers. He was once again feeling exposed as the doctor slipped under the covers on the other side of the bed and stared expectantly at him. "Are we going to sleep or not?" He asked.

The profiler swallowed and nodded, slowly sinking back down into the pillow and rolling onto his side, trying not to think too much about the older man resting behind him. That attempt was quickly stifled as Hannibal drew Will back to him and cradled him, much like the way he had the night before.

"It is okay, Will. I can protect you."

Though he was now fighting it, he was quickly consumed by a peaceful rest.

Sorry guys, I know it's short and boring, but I will be uploading five very soon and we'll have some action coming up in the near future. *wink wink*

Hope you're enjoying it, and please leave me some feedback on what you like and what I could do better! I am always looking to improve :)

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