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Hey guys....


I have no excuse except writer's block.

I didn't really realize how long it has been since I uploaded this last until I published my newest story and was scrolling through the older ones. I do still want to finish this one and I actually think about it pretty frequently, but I'm not entirely sure how to begin the next chapter. 

Thanks to a job change I'll have a lot more time during the week to get stuff done, so I'll hopefully be able to sit down and pound out another chapter before too much longer. Cypress is finally starting to act like a dog and let me sit for more than five minutes before barking at me until I give him attention.

Hope to see you soon!

In the meantime, please check out Upon These Wings, as it's a concept I've been wanting to write for a long time and am super excited to finally have a story to place it in.

Bye for now!

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