chapter 1

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Donald's pov

"De Don, I can never double cross you, those your men lied to you, double crossing you is like asking for the end of my life."

One madman blabbed as he knelt before me. In life you earn what your deserve. I don't like people who think they are smart, imaging this madman came to me a year ago asking for money, on a normal day I don't borrow people who has nothing to show that he will payback, but judging from the fact that he is a member of the church I attend,, I used my church mind to lend him money, only for me to hear from my one of my men that he is making a move to run away.

"Am I a bad person?" I asked him after throwing a gum in my mouth, he responded by shaking his head.

"Am I a madman?" I asked him yet again

"No Don, you are not a madman and never will be." he said while shivering like a cold chicken.

"Good because I don't like associating myself with a madman." pew pew followed suit for that statement was the only thing my wingman needed to end the madman's life.

It's only a madman that will see fire without knowing it hurts. Only a madman will think he can double cross me.

"Scorpion, any news from the black eagle? "

"Yes Don, he will be coming to pay you his respect tomorrow. " scorpion my wingman replied while I nodded indicating that was the news I wanted to hear.

My name is Donald white, I took over from my father as de Don, after he was killed by his wingman who was letter killed by me. Am not an old man with grey hair, Am just a young man in his late twenties, a handsome man at that, although I don't make use of it for I don't like hookup, For I believe that the same way a woman can bless you is the same way she can cause you, and am the risk itself and not the risk taker.

*Scorpion tell Chunk to get the car ready I have a confession to make."


Much love

FORBIDDEN LOVEOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz