Chapter 10

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Angel POV

Waking up, I saw myself in New environment, just then a flashback of what happened earlier occurred. I quickly got up from the bed, I must confess, this guy must be so wealthy his house was a mansion itself.

Just when I got down the steps, I saw men and women dressed in suits, and every one I passed bowed down to me, which confused me the more. Am still trying to figure out why I am here and why I'm being respected like am the owner the mansion.


Turning back to see who called my name, I see a young man walking toward me, a handsome looking man in fact every person I have been seeing so far are all handsome and beautiful, I can confirm that carefully chose his workers.

And here he is bowing to me.

"sorry Mr?"

" scorpion "

"what sort of name is that, that's by the way. Please where am I and I need to get going?"

"please follow me"

So I followed him, as people kept bowing to me.

" hey mister, where are you taking me to?

" he is bringing you to me"

There he stood in all his glory, I couldn't stop admiring him as he walks towards me.
He stopped in front of me and held my face in his hands, he kissed me on my lips, I separated from him and  gave him a hot slap.

"never you do such again, am not gay and am a priest. A priest of God, what has gotten over you. Scorpion take me back to the parish now.

I left angry I don't know if it was at him for what he did, or to myself for making him sad, for I didn't like the look on his face when I slapped him, and am also angry at myself for I loved how his lips felt making me yarn for more.

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