This year..(2018)

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Today.. Was just a normal day.. It's raining here in Malaysia.. Me and my sister never talk this day.. We were busy.. For what? For our 'business'. You see,this year were dead. Really dead. Even the game I play were not active anymore,not even once. I still don't have a best friend this year! No news,no friend to hangout,nothing. Me and my sister were fighting and I was the one who get grounded. My exam weren't the best.. What I get is A,B,C and F. My 3 best friends were left last year.. One of my best friend named Hannah,already left me when i was 8 which mean 3 years ago(I was 11 this year). I really miss her right now.. But she leave me.

And last week,I heard in the news says that somebody has been killed near the drain. This is how the story goes: A maid was cleaning in the yard when suddenly,she found a plastic trash near the drain. But not just it,she found a feet in it,covered in blood. Then,she call the police. I don't know who is the killer though.. This is real,guys. This is real. But the thing is.. Who kill the person? Find out in the next movie of Annabell(Syu: you just change the subject wth). 

And I getting to look really creepy this year.. No wonder why though.. My eyes were almost black,my skin almost pale,my personality was changed( i started to laugh for no reason,I was getting quite,too much phobia,too serious,too much attitude,almost lied to everyone,getting stressed,too much anxiety,not paying attention in school,everything.). And I also started to get really paranoid with this little girl.. She was 'unknown', her skin is pales as white,her dress is ripped and white,her hair was white,her hand and feet has so much cut and scratches but her eyes.. I don't know about that. Her eyes was all black(atleast what I think it is). 

Why am I started to get paranoid about her? Because I always sees her feet whatever I go,especially in my house. 

How do I know it was her feet? Because it was pale and her feet has scratches and cut and her dress was ripped and white.

Who is she? I don't know. Don't ask me! I was just started to named her but suddenly this happened!

Did she do something to you? I don't know.. But the weird thing is... I getting hurting myself by accident.. It was already 3 time! Atleast what in think.. Last month, I tried to get rid of the hair in my hand by cutting it with scissors(It was frustrating to look at it! And it was REALLY a bad idea.. I don't know how at first,but I know now..)and I was stressed so I cutting it too fast that I accidentally cut my skin (XO) it was hurt as f**k.. Second,I saw a flying-bug-thingy inside my bathroom so I get out of my bathroom as fast as I can but I accidentally trapped my finger against a door.. It only hurts a little. Lastly,I was going to change my bag in the front gate at school. My dad arrived and we exchange bags. I was going to get my stuff in my bag then.. *SCRACH* my feet accidentally hid the semen so hard.. I was getting normal by that.

Am I the victim of the girl? Question of the year.      -Nur Aina Syuhada 2018

But I guess that's it.. Please give me more notifications to cheer me up.. If some of you do that,I really appreciated it ☺️ What I want is only notifications. 1 is already enough but if it's more than that,I will upload more drawings for you guys(IF you want to). Well that's it for today.. I hope I will be more active this year and yep! I'm still uploading more drawings here ^^ I hope all of you were save and Aina of Chaos is OUT! (^^)/💥

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