Surprises just come

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(Y/N) joined the chat

R Medic joined the chat

B Sniper joined the chat

Rick joined the chat

Negan joined the chat

R Medic: Hallo everyone!

(Y/N): Hey!

B Sniper: G'day mates

Rick: Hi

Negan: Hello

B Sniper: (Y/N), why the hell are you in a tree?

(Y/N): Because I can. Plus both Scouts are being annoying and trying to annoy me.

B Sniper: Oh.


Negan: The hell was that.

Rick: Uh there's a guy outside on the group. He looks like he's in pain, and I saw (Y/N) jump out of the tree and run  over to him.

(Y/N): Medic, bring your portable medi-gun!

R Medic: On my way now!

(Y/N) and R Medic has logged out

B Sniper: Must be bad.

Rick: I'm trying to see it clearly, but a little hard though.

Negan: They're taking him inside to look him over.

Rick: I'm going to go.

B Sniper: Me too, I'm going to check in them.

Negan: I'm going to go take a nap.

Rick has logged out

Negan has logged out

B Sniper has logged out

Chatroom closed

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