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    Hello my wolf pups, I'm back with an update but not a story update.

     I'm at my band rehearsals and in the band room it's hot af. We are going over our field show music and it's amazing. Our field show is called the "Battle of Dunnichen". 


This is the link to my field show music, have a listen to it and comment on this chapter of what you think about it. There's a total of three movements, and the time is 7 minutes and 10 seconds long.

"Battle of Dunnichen" goes back in time where Scotland wasn't a nation yet and there was a battle between the Picts and the Northumbrains. Movement 1 is the actual battle, and is the longest movement out of the 3 movements.

Movement 2: The Aftermath; The battle was over and everyone died. In the battle, both sides were marching over dead horses, friends, families, kids, but they still had to battle. The battle settles and comes into the aftermath, it's a sad time in life and is meant to be sad.

Movement 3: Birth of a Nation; this is where Scotland became a nation, in the song it goes over what happened in the 1st movements and soon brings a happy factor to the 3rd movement.

In my band we stand to a total of 116 members, and my section which is the piccolo section we have 20 people in it.

If you are in band; stay in it for God's sake. It's absolutely amazing it be in it. You learn a lot of stuff and get closer to the people in your section and other sections, it's like a large family that does really funny stuff together. It's a passion to be in band and great feeling to stay in.

                ~Holli B.

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