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R Scout joined the chat

R Engie joined the chat

B Scout joined the chat

B Engie joined the chat

R Scout: hey

B Scout: hey dude

B Engie: Can someone explain something to me

R Engie: What is it partner?

B Engie: why do I hear very loud Christmas music being played?

R Scout: aww man, (Y/n) is having a jam session without me

B Scout: that's toots making all the sound?

R Engie: welp there she goes dancing down the hall in a.... reindeer onesie?

B Engie: she has a reindeer onesie? I thought our Sniper was the only one.

R Scout: He has a reindeer onesie! Omg this is amazing, I'm going to tell her that now he can join her.

R Scout has logged out

B Scout: I'm joinning him on this

B Scout has logged out

R Engie: I guess we should get off of here.

B Engie: Yeah

R/B Engie has logged out

Chatroom closed
I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas and I didn't have time to make this chapter since being with family and all, but thank you for being here with on this journey of this book. Without you I would probably have this story deleted but see how many reads its gotten I'm not going to do that. 
               ~Holli B.

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