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alana sighs as she sees the girl she recognises from yesterday with jared. zoe, is it? the girl who walked away from yesterday, when she was only trying to help.

but, nevertheless, she plasters on a smile and bounds up to the two.

"hey, lana," jared smiles, "ready for the cheer thingy?"

she grins even wider, if possible. "i think i am. i mean, i know all the moves, but tina is hopeless–"

"i've got dance," zoe interrupts, "in half an hour. can we leave, now?"

alana blinks at the outburst. zoe is tapping her foot and chewing on her lip and why she looks so familiar as the wind tangles her hair finally dawns on alana. she wants to take her hand again, just to make sure.

but she doesn't need to because zoe isn't looking at her, and didn't yesterday. because zoe keeps glancing over to that spot near the cave.

zoe is the girl alana met on the beach at one a.m, just over a year ago.

froyo / dear evan hansenWhere stories live. Discover now