The Sunflower

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Lucas's Pov 

When Ness grabbed my hand and lead me to his room. My pulse started rushing through my veins and to my heart. I felt my face heat up. It felt like my heart was about to beat out of my chest. I wasn't sure at first but last night I felt the same. It's confirmed.I think I'm Ness. 

He took me to his room and closed the door. He pushed me on the bed but without force. I sat on the bed, scared of what might happen next. He looked at me, scanning my body. I gulped. He got into his closet. I sighed with relief even though I would've liked him to...never mind. He got out some close and threw a shirt and some shorts. "Put it on," he said.

Ness's Pov

He looked at me weird then said,"Are you sure?". "Yup," I responded. He blushed and got up. He slowly started to take off his shirts. I blushed and turned around  thinking he probably didn't want me to watch.

Aww come on! One look wouldn't hurt. I turned around just a little so he wouldn't notice. He has such a smooth back. He looks so fragile, so fragile I felt like if I touch him...he'll break. GOD DAMN! I'm such a perv. That's when he slowly started to take off his pants. I do admit he has a very nice ass. My face turned cherry red. I looked away quickly. Then it came to my head, Is he... toying with me? I turned to look at him. He was looking straight at me with the most lewdest smile I've ever seen. My face got redder than it was.

His is the most lewdest I've ever met, I thought. I bit my lip. I felt so turned on. Dammit! I bet that's what he wants. I felt my erection get harder. Fuck.God please help me!

Lucas's Pov

He's flustered, I thought. Just what I wanted. You may be wondering why I'm teasing him. I'm trying to figure out if he's into me or not. Being lewd is one of the ways I test people. Consider this a...trail off some sort.

I finished getting dressed and Ness lead me to the dinning room. We sat down and a a lovely breakfast that consist of pancakes with strawberry syrup , scrambled eggs with cheese, and crispy bacon. I'll tell you that was one of the best meals I've had in my life. I thanked Ness's mom for the meal and washed the dishes. "Oh sweetheart! You don't have to clean up." Ness's mom said. "I know," I said counting to clean up,"I want to.". She smiled and left it up to me. Ness looked at me weird. "Why do you like cleaning?" He asked as he furrowed his brow. He sat on top of the counter waiting for an answer.

"Because cleaning helps makes things look better."

"But cleaning is boring."

I looked down at the sink. I sighed.

"Well...I guess I'm boring."

He frowned.

"Why do you keep insulting yourself? Your a wonderful person Lucas."

I looked down at the the dripping sink. There was a long silence between us.  It was so silent you could her the sink drip small droplets of water. Ness got off the counter and went to the dinning room. Confused I waited for hi to com back. He came back 2 minutes later with a sunflower in his hand. I blushed. 

"N-Ness, y-ou don't h-have to-" I was cut off by him putting his soft fingers on my pale lips. He leaned closer so our eyes met. I looked into his eyes wondering what he was going to say. 

"I know I don't have to," he said,"I want to. Lucas ever since the party you've been nothing but nice and a great help. I want to do something in return for your help. So please accept this flower. And...I would also like to take you out for dinner as another gift of my gradated. Please?"

I stared at Ness for a while. My face slowly turned red as I looked down at he flower he gave me. He was going to say something in till I put my finer on his soft lips. "I accept," I said. I smiled as his face turned a bright red. I chuckled lightly and turned around and continued to wash the dishes that remained from breakfast.

After I finished cleaning I stared at the bright yellow sunflower. I will never forget this moment. I sniff it and smiled. It smelled like my mom. Ness came down with my now cleaned clothes. "Thank you," I said while looking a Ness's family. Tracy and Ness's mom thanked me and I left. Tonight might be the best night I'll ever have.

I took the bus to my house. When I sat down I couldn't help but to smile at the sunflower. Things were already getting brighter. I hope Ness sees it that way too.

((Well I hope you all enjoyed this. I'm truly sorry for not updating my stories in a while. Peace Out!!))

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