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there are so many clichè stories out there, such as:

character + oc gets together.

character + oc get into a fight because character cheats on oc.

oc and character don't talk to each other after weeks, days, etc.

( if character is famous ) character is forced to be with another character for the press.

( if not famous ) character cheats because he was drunk / didn't know what he was doing.

character + oc have cute moments

get together again

and voila, foreshadowing at its finest.

the toxicity of relationships is being made into an overrated cliché that everyone knows that some girl walks back into a character's life and he/she once loved him/her and it gets repetitive to a point where every fanfic i see it's like that.

now, that's where the last chapter comes in: I can help with ideas, some may be cliché for you guys, some may be original for you guys. But, either way, I would definitely love to help with writing stories.

second,  INSPIRATION, clearly everyone was inspired by another writer at some point in their writing hobby. but, in this case, there's a difference between being inspired by a writer and copying exactly what he/she has created, aka 'plagiarism'.

now, plagiarism is against the law. copying another person's work, and i don't advise that. so, one way of doing it is: get inspiration by using a specific event, but not copying that specific event.

here are some clichè's that i have seen roaming around wattpad:

- character accidentally texts oc/reader and they become friends

pros: these stories actually get a LOT of reads and are really fun to read sometimes because they get really funny and humorous.

cons: plot is repetitive, and most likely, when you accidentally text someone, you don't keep a conversation with them.

- character likes oc's photo / oc dms character and they meet etc.

pros: as i said in the cliché above. it gets cool and humorous, a few original moments between two characters

cons: same as above.
and so much more.

Now, no offense to people who write social media fics. But, sometimes it comes to a point where I kind of know where it is already going.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08, 2018 ⏰

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