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Aizawa sluggishly scoots through the door in his bright yellow sleeping bag, "Okay class" he mumbles "we have a new student this year.. be nice.." he sternly looks over at Bakugou who he knew was going to be a dick to Kaminari. The Yellow haired boy smiles walking through the door and bows politely to everyone in the room, "Heya!~ The names Denki kaminari thanks for havin' me" the boy does a small laugh to himself and directs his way to the seat Aizawa gives him. 

Eijirou looks over at the other, his heart ignited with sparks looking at the boy he didnt understand why but he shook them off.. "Its probably because he's the new kid" the red head thought to himself.


The day ended with nothing interesting happening throughout. Kaminari walked excitedly looking at the sheet of paper with his dorm room number on it and dragging his bag behind him. "well here I am" the young blonde thought as he opened the door. He came face to face with a red head lifting weights-

"H-Huh? dude you need something?" the spiky haired boy had a puzzled look on his face, Kaminari returned the confusion, "yeah.. am I in the right room?" Kaminari looked at the number on the door and then the number on his sheet.

They were the same.

"It says this is my room" the older showed the sheet of paper to the confused red head. "oh so THAT'S why they installed a bunk bed in my room, looks like we're sharing a room" Eijirou laughed to himself.. then stopped- 

"Oh fuck-" they both thought


End of prologue

what did you think, I know it's short but prologues are meant to be short I promise the chapters are much longer.

I'm writing the the first chapter directly after this so dont worry.

do you want this to be smut or not?

[ Original Image at: https://co.pinterest.com/pin/462393086727102697/?lp=true ]

{326 word count}

My Pikachu (Eijirou x Kaminari)Where stories live. Discover now