~[Chapter 1]~

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After Kaminari moved in and unpacked his things he plugs in his gaming console. "uhm.. wanna play?" the older looks over at the spiky haired boy waving around a spare controller, "yeah why not."


Eijirou heard a loud noise from downstairs "must be Katsuki" he thought. He shivered feeling a breath on his neck and a weight on his body, he looked down noticing that Kaminari was asleep on him holding the controller. "we must of fell asleep while playing" the younger mumbled to himself trying to shuffle Kaminari off of him.

The Yellow haired boy groaned as the 'ground' under him was moving, he looked up noticing a red in the face Eijirou underneath himself. "I-i'm sorry" he quickly removes himself of the other.

"Its okay man, wasn't your fault we just fell asleep" Eijirou said reassuring the blonde, "lets get dressed for school.." Kaminari suggested.

They both started getting dressed but Kaminari promptly turned in the opposite direction of the red head. "omygoshhelp" he thought to himself blushing his jalapeno face off.


They both arrived at school Kaminari tailing Eijirou like a stray cat looking for a new owner, Eijirou walks up to a pair of boys. "uh Baku-bro is it cool If Kaminari Hangs with us?" Katsuki leans to look behind the other at an awkward thunder bean waving at him, "Ugh fine-" the annoyed blonde sighed and rolled his eyes. "alright! hey Kaminari come over here!" Eijirou waves at the older and he walks over to them.

"I'll introduce you! Thats Hanta Sero and this is Bakugou Katsuki. Guys this Is Denki Kaminari" Eijrou looked at them all with sparkles in his eyes hoping they'll get along.


"shut the fuck up"

"aw Kaminari he likes you" Eijirou laughs and Kaminari is Halfway dead "if that's liking i'm scared of hating.."


After another day of boring old school everyone heads to their dorms.

"Oh Kaminari I never asked but whats your quirk?"Eijirou asked leaning over the bars of the top bunk so he was upside down looking at the blonde. "Uhm isn't it obvious" Kaminari points to the lightning bolt in his hair.

"So your like an off brand Pikachu?"


"so a Denki-chu"

Eijrou laughs looking quite pleased with himself. "No! its called Electrification" The older blushed with embarrassment. "well mines called hardening" Eijirou says hardening his arm up "Uh Eijirou are you sure that's a quirk because I think everyone has that ability." The males erupt in laughter, which ends up in Kaminari falling off the bottom bunk and Eijirou flying over the bars of the top bunk and landing on the other.

Eijirou can hear The blondes heart beating

"ba bump...ba bump...ba bump"

and it gets a little faster

"ba bump.ba bump.ba bump"

and a bit faster


The younger looks up at Kaminari with a flushed red face "are you okay? I landed on you pretty hard" The red head places his forehead against the blondes to check for a fever. it was really warm. Katsuki bangs on the door "EIJIROU STOP MAKING SO MUCH NOISE" Kaminari shuffles "you should probably answer the door."

The spiked haired boy opens the door "Sorry Katsuki, Kaminari had a bad dream and fell out of bed" The red head lied "why were there two thumps?" Katsuki questioned with an annoyed expression "I jumped off the top bunk to see if he was okay" Eijrou chuckled "Whatever just STOP BEING LOUD" He walks off pretty much steaming by the ears.

"Okay he's gone-" as Eijrou says this he notices Kaminari is no longer on the floor but in the shower since he can hear the water running. he knocks on the door. "You okay?" he asks "Yeah just a little dizzy I think this will make me feel better" The Blonde responds.


Kirishima lay for the rest of the night holding his his hand over his heart.. "his heart was beating so fast, and so was mine" the red head sighs "He was so cute with that blushi- w-what am i talking about i just met the guy but this feeling has already started appearing"


End Of Chapter 1

what did you think I told you it would be longer this time.

I think i'll write the second chapter tomorrow night I dont know.

Do you want this to be smut or not?

[ Original image at: https://www.zerochan.net/1947468 ]

{738 word count}

My Pikachu (Eijirou x Kaminari)Where stories live. Discover now