Chapter 3~ Dancing Away Fears

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(play song above when i say)

Ink's POV:

Beams of light escaped through holes in the makeshift tent, waking me up in the process. I tried to sit up but got nowhere, what the hell? i thought to myself. I poked the black fabric that was embracing me. I let out a high pitched squeak as it moved, "gOoD MoRnInG.." it groaned. Wait. "Error?!" i yelled and scrambled to the other side of the small tent. "D-Did...w-what-How?" i couldn't find my words, "lAsT NiGhT" Error glitched. "YoU LoOkEd CoLd,So I waRmEd YoU Up...aNd FelL AslEeP In ThE PrOcEsS.." he laughed. I took a deep breath, "let's go get breakfast" i said. As if on cue Error's stomach rumbled, "let's go lemon face" i gestured to his yellow blush drowning his face. We both climbed out the tent to see no one was awake, "you wanna make breakfast together?" i asked. Error smiled and nodded.

Ink's POV:

Error and I got bored half way through making breakfast and began to sing together. (play song above)

Ink:He set my '94 four door Ford on fire today So I took His favorite pair of diamond earrings and I pawned them away.

Error: That's when he walked in the kitchen full of dishes and he broke every plate Man, he might be the death of me, but I wouldn't have it any other way

Ink: He might be my cocaine

Error: He might be my rehab

Ink:And I ain't tryna OD

Error:But he gon' to make me relapse, yeah

Ink & Error:But if crazy is a place, then I hope they got space for two

And I know it's messed up but I can't get enough of you
It don't matter what we say
It don't matter all the things we do
If crazy is a place, then I hope they got space for two
If crazy is a place, then I hope they got space for two

Ink:He called my boss and he told him I ain't coming in to work no more So I changed every lock on every door before he got home If I would get a dime every time he wanna go through my phone he might be the death of me but I know I could never leave him alone.

Error:He might be my cocaine he might be my rehab And I ain't tryna OD he's going to make me relapse, yeah

Ink & Error: But if crazy is a place, then I hope they got space for two

And I know it's messed up but I can't get enough of you
It don't matter what we say
It don't matter all the things we do
If crazy is a place, then I hope they've got space for two
If crazy is a place, then I hope they've got space for two

Ink:He might be my cocaine he might be my rehab But I don't care what anybody's saying

Error:He's the pain and the medicine The problem and my solution But he knows I wouldn't have it any other way

Ink & Error: If crazy is a place, then I hope they've got space for two

And I know it's messed up but I can't get enough of you
It don't matter what we say
It don't matter all the things we do
If crazy is a place, then I hope they've got space for two
If crazy is a place, then I hope they've got space for two

All through out the song we danced around the camp fire. One the last words we stopped dancing and meet in each others arms. We were out of breath but smiling our asses off, "that was.." he was too out of breath to continue "fun!" i exclaimed. He smiled and let go of me, "let's continue to male breakfast" he said, i nodded as he picked up the makeshift things Geno had made.

Geno's POV: (bet you didn't expect that!)

Fresh is asleep, but i woke up a while ago. I was going to make breakfast but i saw Ink and Error together and decided to just watch them from my tent. Call it creepy all you want but i don't want to disrupt them, and i want to see what they do while the're alone together. It wasn't long before Ink started to sing. I know that song, Space for two by Mr. Probz. I love him he is an amazing singer. Error knows too but never sings along. I was just listening to Ink's voice, when Error sang along with Ink. Error never sings. I was shocked, I've always wanted to know what he sounds like when singing. They looked up at each other, wonder i their eyes. They started to dance around the campfire together, not a care in the world. They even forgot about the breakfast they were cooking. They were dancing and singing, until they finished the song. I was expecting them to go back to making breakfast, but they did something way more amazing. They stopped dancing around the campfire, and fell into each others arms. They both secretly in love with each other, even a blind person could see it. They were out of breath, but held onto each other. They looked into each others eyes, with such passion such love. "That was..." Error was too out of breath to continue, "fun!" Ink exclaimed. Error......smiled. Now I know Ink and Error have something. Error has never sung a song in his life, i mean never i don't know another way to put it, but he never has ever. And Error doesn't like to smile, and tries to avoid it. But he is smiling with Ink. And most of all, Error has Haphephobia the fear of being touched. When we were little no one could touch him and if we did we would have to sit in strings for hours. Still till this day people can't touch him. I smiled as a tear rolled down my face, my brother has finally found love. A love that puts all his phobias, fears, hates to rest. I can tell that him and Ink will be happy together for all eternity.

(There you go! chapter 3! hope you enjoyed especially you @Natsuki110 /seagull. And i won't be updating soon because in a few days i'm going camping...-______- have a nice day!)

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