Losing kids

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(You don't even need to read this you know it's Shiro's POV)

We've been driving for six hours now. "How far is this house?" I asked Allura. "Well we first have to go to the airport." Allura said looking through a book all about 'American Living'. I sighed and continued to drive unlike my new family I knew how earth worked. We finally made it to the airport. After two more hours of traffic and angry drivers.

"Come on everyone." I said as I got out of the car. Cracking al bones that I could. They all slowly got out. "Does everyone have there passports?" I asked. They all gave me weird looks. I sighed as I looked at Allura who was searching through her purse. That I didn't know she owned, where did she get it? "I got them!" Allura yelled out holding six passports.


"Here are your tickets sir." The lady sitting at the desk said to me. I nodded and we headed to security. We all headed into the metal detector, most of us made it through expect for Lance and Keith who got stuck behind teen wearing a more pricings then you could count. In reality it took fifteen minutes but in Lance and Keith's eye's it was the car drive all over again.

As soon as they made it through they heard their plane being called. "How long is the plane ride?" Lance asked me as we ran to the gate. I shrugged. Allura cut in and said "One day." She had a serious look in her eye's. "Where the hell are we going." Keith said as he followed me to the plane. "I was just joking, and language" Allura said. "Okay that still doesn't answer the question." Keith said. Allura sighed, "Canada." She said, falling a little behind everyone, she was wearing high heels.

We made it just as the plane was getting ready. We all got seated. Allura, Pidge and I sat in the back middle seats while Hunk, Lance and Keith sat across from us Keith at the window side and Lance in the middle of Hunk and Keith. Coran was sitting in first class because he thought that meant he was going to get a class about plane.

I didn't have the heart to tell him it wasn't. Everyone fell asleep quite fast, I looked over to see Keith wide awake. The people in front of Keith, Lance and Hunk were asleep. Lance's head was on Keith shoulder. I looked over at Keith and saw him taking the little girls purse. I shook my head no.

He just looked at me and started to nodded his head yes. As Keith got the purse he opened it and took out ten Polly Pocket Figures. He looked at them for a little bit before snatching one and putting it in his pocket. Shiro just shook his head in shame. His adoptive son just stole a Polly Pocket from a young girl.

 He put the purse back making sure not to wake up the little girl who he just stole from. As he was passing out I watched as the girl woke up looking into her pink Barbie purse. She dumped out all the little figures. She counted them and you could see it coming on, her lip was pouting, her eye's were becoming very glassy. It then happened the girl burst out crying and screaming.

Her parents burst up, trying to calm down their child. I looked over at Keith. He was banging his head off the seat. "Your fault." I mouthed. He gave me the look and went back to banging his head off the seat. The girl stopped crying after ten minutes of her parents hushing her. I got a few more hours of sleep. This time I woke up to Allura shaking me awake. "What?" I asked quietly making sure not to wake anyone up.

"Look at the boy's." Allura said pointing at the boy's to see Keith and Lance were curled up around each other. Hunk was now in Lance's spot and in Hunk's spot sat a very large man. I laughed and pulled out my phone and took ten million photos. I heard Pidge laughing. Then I heard a photo being taken.


The plane ride finally ended and we all had very bad jet lag. Going from Los Angeles to New Found Land time. It was a eight hour difference. It effected Coran, Keith and Lance the most.

"Taxi." I call. The taxi came up and we all looked at the small vehicle it would sit five of us. We all sighed. We managed to fit all of our stuff in some of it sitting on top of kids. We did not have that much cash on us so we took a small drive to the subway. Lance and Keith fell asleep on the bus due to jet lag.

While Coran, Hunk and Allura were talking that left Katie and I. "So... Dad is school fun?" Katie asked me. I smiled "For you yes." I said. "Hey wanna watch Spider-Man with me?" Katie asked me pulling her laptop, head phones and the movie out of her bag. I nodded and put on the extra pair of head phones on. I didn't bother asking were she got all the stuff.

We watch two more movies after that 'Sleeping beauty' and 'Scooby-Doo'. During the last movie Katie was trying to figure out who the murder was before the 'Gang' could, it was a father daughter bonding time I though to myself.

After 'Scooby-Doo' ended we got to our stop. I helped Katie get all her stuff packed in her bag again. We got off with all of our stuff just as the bus left. My heart was racing from how panicked I was that I would forget something. "Everyone got their bags?" I asked my family. I turned and looked at them. "Where are Keith and Lance?" I asked the group not to worried about it. "Didn't you wake them up dear." Allura said smiling sweetly at me, but I saw the panic in here eye's.

I slowly shook my head looking at the train that looked like a tiny dot, from this distance. "Oh shit." I said out loud. Allura went into Mom mode. She looked like the terminator. "Okay, everyone relax we will just wait here for the bus to come back." Coran said calmly while Katie and Hunk sat down on the bench that was near our luggage. 

We waited for a few hours before see the two familiar kids. Lance and Keith were now awake with here luggage sitting next to them. They both saw me and walk towards me with a mad look in there eye's. "You son of a alien. You left us on, a BUS!" Lance screamed at me. "Yeah! It's stressful to wake up in a new setting." Keith added also in more of a mono tone. "Look I'm really sorry, I though you two were awake so I got off forgetting you two fell asleep," I said trying to get out of the situation.

"Sorry isn't going to give me my time I lost." Keith said sitting down next to Hunk. Lance still looked pissed. "What he said." Lance said as he went down to sit next to Katie. "Can we just go home," Lance said looking at the ground. Four might have been to much for our first kids. I nodded we walk the rest of the way to the house. Allura is still leading the family. We had some interesting conversation like, 'If snakes were just tails with head' and 'What old people things do we do' stuff like that. 

As we walked the top three most annoying questions hit me in the face. "I need to pee," I heard Katie say. I let out a sigh and we stopped at a mall. We were all hungry anyways. "Fudge were is my wallet," I said looking every where. I looked at Keith and walked up next to him. "Do you have my wallet." I said remembering that he is a little thief. He looked up at me and rolled his eye's. He groaned and shook his head no. "Let me pat you down." I said once again.

Keith sighed and stopped he turn to me. I started to pat him down. All I found was the stolen Polly Pocket in his left pocket. "Okay Keith your all good." I said, "I could have told you that." Keith said walking over to 'Hot Topic'. I decided to walk over to Allura who was is a store, she was trying on dresses with Katie. You could see Katie was not having a good time. "Hi Allura do you have my wallet?" I asked her. She nodded her head and gave me my wallet. "Dame I was hoping you would say no." I said. She gave me a questioning looked but she didn't ask.

"Okay is everyone ready to go." I said making sure that Lance and Keith were next to me. After I saw them we headed for the parking lot. With all of our stuff.

"Hey did we ever pay the taxi driver?" I asked Coran who I had forgotten was with us for a minute. "What's pay?" He asked me. I saw Keith slap his face in the background. He came walking up and said "No you didn't the taxi driver looked pissed." Keith said with a smirk covering his face. "To bad you 'lost' your wallet." Keith said poking at my pocket were he could feel it. He turned to the road and called another taxi. We got all of our stuff in the taxi. We all got set up and we went for ten more minutes.

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