Stick to the Schedule

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(Lowkey forgot I was fixing this. But I'm back humans!) 

I stood at the bottom of the stairs with Katie and Hunk by my sides. Katie tapping her foot over and over again staring intensely at her wrist watch. God if the watch could talk he would be stressing out. "It's official they're late by thirty seconds." Katie said her eye going back to the top of the stairs. She had made a schedule the second day of school after watching me fail as a teacher and parent. But she was strict about it, don't mess with her schedule unless you want to die. Learnt that the hard way. A loud thump was heard from upstairs, I rolled my eyes "You two head out to the bus stop. I'll go get them." I said watching Katie give me a nod taking Hunk outside.

"Fuck you!" I heard Lance yell probably towards Keith. As I looked through the door Lance was sitting on the floor of the room tears building up in his eyes. Where's Keith? But I pushed that aside for now one problem at a time, "Dad the bus is here!" Pidge yelled from the bottom of the stairs. "You two go!" I yelled back. As I heard the door close I turned all my attention back to Lance. "What happened?" I said walking over to the teary eyed boy crouching to look him in the eyes. "Keith said that we're all mistakes." Lance said between sobs, I looked at my boy. Picking him up and setting him in my lap, "The worst part is that he's not wrong! We were all abandoned!" Lance shouted trying to get out all his thoughts before his sobbing took over. 

I looked over to see the opened window, and the top of Keith's head. "Are you okay on your own for a bit?" I asked Lance, he just nodded as I set him down on his bed. I walked over to the window seeing Keith staring into the sky, the snow clouds rushing in. "Keith," I said standing over top of him. I know I'm not the perfect parent but I know Keith isn't in the complete wrong. He sat on a the of line wrong and right. "I know your mad." Keith said looking into my eye's. I know I don't look strict but Keith was way to calm in this situation, you can't just say that to your brother especially with what they've all been through. Unlike Keith, the others talk to the therapist. "Young man you went to far this time." I said as strictly as I possibly could. Keith gave me a slow blink before sitting up. 

Grunting as he pulled himself out. "Fair enough Shiro. But tell me I'm wrong," Keith said just looking into his hand. "I had a theory that you adopted us to feel like hero's. But your to selfless to do that so I figured it was just you two couldn't have kids." Keith stated looking back at me, how do I answer to that. I felt like a deer surrounded by wolfs I had to face to truth that I was cornered. "I'll take your silence as you agreeing with me, you see you want to save us from our sob stories that's why you have that therapist listening to them." Keith added no moving his eyes away from mine. "No Keith that's not why we did it." I said, I know Keith is smart but now I'm thinking he thinks way to much on the negative side of the scale. "We just don't want you help you guys. So you all don't explode with emotions one day." I said trying to get Keith to understand were I'm coming from.

Keith started to stand up. "All you're doing is paying a guy to write down your thoughts and tell you the obvious stuff." Keith said back walking to the edge of the roof. "Keith therapist are trained to help you and go farther to give prescriptions to help you." I said, all I wanted was for Keith to come back from the edge to be honest he was scaring me, but his shoulders started to shake and he fell on to his butt. "Well maybe I don't want help." He said hiccupping in between every word. I was surprised at first, this was the real first time Keith has ever cried in front of me.

But I was quick to snap out of it grabbing him and pulling him away from the edge. I was going to hug him but he was quick to get out of my grasp from the start so I figured he wasn't feeling up to hugging. He wiped off his tears and made his way back inside. "I don't need anyone's pity." Keith whispered walking over to Lance to apologies. I just stood on the roof listening to the two boys voice's in the background. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17, 2020 ⏰

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