Chapter 1

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Unknown Forest 3rd POV

(Y/N) slowly wake up after the portal teleport to the unknown

(Y/N):  What... happen

Soon he stand up and look the surrouding

(Y/N): I'm still in the forest except is different

He look around trying to find Jacob until he find Jacob unconscious

(Y/N): Jacob wake up, wake up

Jacob slowly wake up

Jacob: Uhhhhh my head 

(Y/N): You ok pal 

Jacob: Ja

(Y/N) Help Jacob to stand up

Jacob:  Vhere are we

(Y/N): I don't know but look like we're not in Kansas anymore

Jacob: Vhat 

(Y/N): I said we're not in Austria or Europe anymore because of the damn portal

Jacob: I guess your right

Both decided to walk trying to find a town or city or any civilization when suddenly

(Y/N): Huh?

(Y/N) and Jacob herd something rustle in the bush near them. (Y/N) Raise his M1 Garand and aim to the bush when suddenly

???: Uhhhh my head

(Y/N) Saw a man in a red army uniform

(Y/N): You ok there

???: Yes yes comrade I'm fine

After that (Y/N) Help the russian the russian turn around and see Jacob he aim his SVT-40 Jacob  aim his STG 44

???: What are you doing here you Fascist SCUM

Jacob: Same to you ruskie

As (Y/N) Know everything went down to south he intervines

(Y/N): Hey Calm down both of you

???: Comrade why are you aiding to this fascist scum

(Y/N): He is going to surrender when we both teleport to this world put down the gun down

Alexei Put down his weapons and Jacob put down his

???: Fine comrade Berlin is fallen so is make sense

(Y/N): Name soldier

Alexei: Alexei Ivanov comrade

(Y/N): Ok Alexei I'm (Y/N) (L/N) From U.S Army and this is Jacob Schmtz from German army or what remains of it

Jacob: Ja So ruskie how do you end up in this place

Alexei: I was patrolling in the border between Austria and Hungary when suddenly the portal appear out of nowhere and suck me and teleport here

(Y/N): Ok Just like me and Jacob we both suck by the portal

While the three there another person hiding in the bush aiming his rifle to (Y/N).He about to shoot him when

(Y/N): Alright we need to go and find any nearby village or civilization 

Alexis: I agree 

Jacob: me too

Because the three about to move the man from the bush attack (Y/N)



We abou to leave when  I heard and turn around


I saw a Japanese armed with rifle with bayonet on it he was about to stab me when I dodge it. The Jap try to stab me I took my garand with bayonet on it and clash with the Japanese.The two try to help me

(Y/N): Don't worry I got this

 we keep clashing our weapons until I finally disarmed the Japanese he drop his rifle. I aim my rifle to the Japanese

(Y/N): Alright Jap I don't know how do you end up here from the pacific but if you dare get your side arm I will kill do you understand

???: (Sigh) Fine

(Y/N): Wait you can understand me

???: Yes I understand your language you barbarian 

I go to his rifle where he drop and kick it far away from the jap

(Y/N): Now who are you

Shinji: Shinji Yoshida from Imperial Japanese Army stationed in the Philippines

(Y/N): Now how do you end up

Shinji: I was in the jungle camp when your army attack us with low ammo we have no choice to banzai charge  I survive from the Attack and the banzai charge I took some ammo from my dead comrade and journey to the jungle when the portal appear and end up

(Y/N): Alright since four of us end up here we have no choice but to work together even we are enemies 

I pick his riffle and give to him

(Y/N):Do you understand Shinji

He get his rifle from me

Shinji: Fine but it doesn't mean I trust you Barbarian

(Y/N): I'm fine with that shall we go

Shinji: Fine

After that the two approach me

Jacob: Are you alright

Alexei: Are you ok Comrade

(Y/N): Don't worry I'm fine

Alexei: Nicefight comrade

(Y/N): Thank's shall we go

The two nods and the four of us walk to find a village or a city

??? POV

Unknown to the four someone is watching them

???: This mens are interesting

He took some sip then he hear elevator ding

???: You call me sir?

???: Ah Glynda come here

I show her the camera about this four men

Glynda: Are those soldier?

???: I don't know but can you escort this four to this school

Glynda: Yes sir

After Glynda left I sip some coffee

???: This four are interesting and huge potential to be student


Finally I finish this chapter, So let me know what your thought?

Also Rwby belong to Monty Oum and rooter teeth

The video belongs to the owner

We Were Soldier (US WW2 soldier x RWBY)Where stories live. Discover now