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My hands wrestles its way out from under my huge blanket, smacking the alarm clock, effectively shutting it off, and possibly even breaking it- on it's first use. A massive yawn escapes me, and I open my eyes and stare at the white ceiling above me. First day.. Ugh, I will never get used to this.

It was my first day of my Senior year- no, 'Year 12'. Mate.

With another, louder yawn, I push myself into a sitting position, the blankets still wrapped around me.  I allow myself a minute to wake up and get my bearings. I hadn't been up this early since last school year. Although, that, even by itself, wasn't entirely true. I had never been up this early ever, because I was still on my West Coast sleeping schedule.. which wasn't very appropriate for someone who had been living in Australia for almost two months now.

Eventually, I shove the blankets off, and throw my feet over the side of the bed. I shiver as they connect with the cold wood floor, even further chilled by an Australian August- winter. Granted, it was nearing the end of freezing season. I walk over to my closet, and glare at its contents. After a few minutes of tired contemplation, I eventually decide on a simple pair of blue jeans and a loose, white knitted sweater. I throw that on, and grab a pair of socks, too, as I leave my room and head to the bathroom.

The bathroom door creaks as I shut it, but no one is around to hear. Not bothering to flip on the light, I fumble in the dark for a while, before finding my toothbrush and toothpaste, and brush my teeth. Finding the faucet becomes a struggle, and when I grab the wrong knob and blast my other sleeve with freezing cold water. After that, I turn the light on. I comb my hair, letting it lay naturally, not bothering to style it beyond making sure it was combed.

I flip the light switch off- and then turn it off. Leaving the bathroom with another creak, I head back to my room, which is down the hall and on the same side, and put on a pair of white Vans. After a quick once over in the mirror opposite of my bed, I grab my black Jansport bag and slide my phone in my back pocket.

Once or twice, the drip of my wet sleeve patters against the floor, and more often than not, my poor sock will step in it.

I'm almost awake by now.

I head out to the main room- a decently sized kitchen paired with a room that was supposed to be a living room, but had been turned into a pile of boxes I hadn't bothered to throw away and a PC Setup in the corner, almost hidden from sight. A couch, too, is somewhere under my piles of cardboard.

I head over to the kitchen, and grab a granola bar and shove it in my bag, which held only a binder, paper and pencils. I'd get more after school today, when I knew what I needed. My sleepiness was being replaced by nervousness as I left and locked the door, putting the key in my bag and began walking to school.

The sight of  the cars driving on the opposite side of the roads than what an American would be accustomed to was alarming, to say the least.

With every oncoming and passing car, I would feel my heart speed up in a moment of fearful anticipation. It seemed like any second a collision would happen. Shivers would race up and down my spine as I watched cars seemingly head the wrong way on the road- almost ensuring a head-on collision.

The cold air also played a part in sendings chills down my spine when a particularly harsh gust of wind traveled down the sidewalk, herded along by the semi-tall buildings surrounding both edges of the road.

I had been this way only once before, to go to the school for our class photos. Now, it was even more daunting because I'd actually have to stay. For a whole 6 hours. 5 days a week.

Soon, I arrive at the main gate of my school. It is a huge arch, molded into fancy, perfect curves and circles. It was sparkling white, which gave the school a pristine, official look about it. Which, I suppose it was, considering not just anyone could get into this high school.

The high school itself was a 4-story building that grew bigger and scarier with every passing step. I began wishing I'd never decided that this was a good idea, that some sensible part in me won had over before I purchases the plane ticket and climbed aboard- but it was too late now. Here I was.

I stop for a few seconds, surveying my immediate surroundings. There was two decently sized grass fields separated by a pale brick walkway. Trees were smart and evenly places on either side. They had little leafage.

I grab the schedule that I had been sent by mail last month, and carefully look it over. First class.. English. Room 107. Taking a deep breath, I put on a confident face and walk through the gates of the school, barely pausing as I enter the unfamiliar, in an unfamiliar county, with unfamiliar people.

What I wouldn't give for a friendly face today...

(A/N: Hello! I'm sorry this chapter is so boring!! I promise more in the next one, if you dare stick around.
A few little side-side notes: I'm sorry if I slander or assume anything false about Australian way of life, because I am an American just using what previous knowledge I already have.. haha sorry!!
Sorry for any typos!! ill correct them :))
thanks for being so kind as so stop by haha!!)

I'm tired now
gn say it back

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