List of Regrets

513 10 3

(A/N: the ———- marks where you can technically skip if you wanted to, given the chapter IS rather boring.)
relly, u coukd skip this entire chapter. Its boring snd basically Y/N learnsnher classes and cant get song hummed by boy stuck of out her head ) :))

My confidence began to crumble as I looked around. Most of the kids had already begun forming their groups of friends from the previous years. They clustered around, saying their greetings and telling various each other their various endeavors during break. I begun to feel something like guilt that I'd let a perfectly good 2 months go to waste.

Sighing quietly, I tried to tune out the chatter until it was background to my thoughts. I felt like people were staring; that I had a huge "AMERICAN" tag slapped on my forehead and across my back.

I finally made it to the doors of the school, and I entered with relief. I could probably scope out my classes before school started. I began with my first class.

Walking there was easy, seeing as when I hit the first door, I turn right, to the 100's wing. There were a couple of people waiting outside the doors, phones in their hands. There were three people in total, all standing about an arms length apart. While passing, I noted one humming a tune I couldn't quite make out, yet was familiar nonetheless. I didn't stop to chat, and moved on.

Most of my classes were the standard for Year 12 students, so it was a likely chance that I'd share the same schedule with quite a few from my first period. The only elective I had was a beginning Art class.

My next two classes were father ahead and up two floors, in the 600's wing. I had maths and Chemistry. The flight of stairs left me a little winded, and I was pretty insulted that my body had the audacity to grow unfit in just two months. I guess that'd have to change.

The classrooms themselves were across the hallway from each other, with their doors open. I quickly peeked inside. There was a teacher in one, but other than that the rooms were empty of people. I left the teacher alone, not wanting to bother and looked down at my next class, art. That was in the 500's, which was- luckily- on the same floor as the 600's.

The Art room's door was open, too. It was a cute little room, filled with hand-painted works and little origami swans hanging from the ceiling. The desks were arranged in a "O" shape, the head being the teachers desk.

I checked my phone, and realized the bell was about to ring. I started making my way down the stairs, and retracing my steps back to room 107. The kids who were waiting outside had apparently moved inside, as the door was now open and they had vanished.

I entered, and saw the teacher, too. He was a lanky man with a scruffy beard and a mischievous look about him. Immediately, he fixed his eyes on me and gave me a smile.

I smiled in reply, dipped my head, and then turned to look for a seat. The desks were arranged in a classic 6x4 style. I choose one towards the back, figuring I'd be safe here.

Just as I sat down, the bell rung, and soon after kids began pouring in. Chatter quickly filled the room, and sooner the spot next to me was taken. Luckily,  I chose a wall seat, so that was the only seat directly adjacent to me.

I looked to my phone for a couple minutes, waiting for class to begin. I scrolled through a couple r/oopsdidntmeanto posts.

As the last few stragglers walked in and I had finished reading a particularly long post  the second bell rung. Immediately, the teacher began his introductions.
"Good morning, ladies and gent's! I'm Mr. Zhang. I'm an English teacher, as I hope you'd already figured out." He had a chipper way of talking, although it might've just been his heritage combined with his accent. My thoughts drifted during his introduction to other, more amusing activities I had done during break, such as watch YouTube and Netflix.

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