Dearest me

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        Shizuo was running around town searching for anything that would tell him about this"Kamui" person.

        He can to stop to regain his breathe. Then he realized that Izaya had not even given him a clue about who he was looking for all he had was a name and a "Looks can be decieving," what in the world did he mean by that anyway!? Shizuo punched the pole next to him make it fall against a building, which of course made people around him scurry away with panacked look.

        He huffed as he was reaching for his phone only to realize that earlier he had crushed it into little pieces, which of course lead to him yelling unidentifiable curse words which of course lead to more people running away fearing for they're own lives.

        Shizuo then walked into a nearby cafe and took a seat he needed to calm down. The woman who took his order was visibly trembling and fast walked away with his order because on his face anyone, even a blindman would be able to tell how angry he was.

        He then heard a soft voice behind him,"Well you certainly set that woman running...." It was a girl. He turned around anger all over his face,"I can see why too. With a face as scary looking as that you'll send even meanest of men scurrying away..."she began eating her rather delicious looking pastry.

        "You shut the hell up I didn't ask for your opinion on how my face looks!" He was holding himself back from hitting this girl.

"Hey don't get mad calm down, here....."she handed him her milk pudding that she had yet to consume,"I'll give you this if you calm down..."he looked down at the pudding then back at her then took the pudding with no questions asked. He had actually calmed down quite a bit after eating the pudding and drinking the milk he ordered.

        "Feel better now?" The girl was turned around sitting on her knees. He grumbled in response. She then got up and sat in the other side if the booth from him. He gave her as strange look,"Why are you sitting here?"

        She gave him a bored look while playing around with a strand of her hair,"Because I can...." He really didn't like her answer to him,"Leave me the hell alone dammit..." She looked at him just staring at him. He was feeling uncomfortable and then he began glarring at her alsmost as if it were as starring contest.

He then actually began looking at this girl's features he for some reason had not noticed this girl's hair happened to be white. How he had missed that he really had no idea. Then he realized this girl was an albino, she had big red eyes that seemed to be analyzing him. Her hair was messy and really long, like she hadn't cut it for a very long time but it still looked healthy. Her skin was like porcelain. She wore a purple hoodie aand she seemed very small. There was one absolute fact about this girl that no one could not notice.....


This was comming from Shizuo. He had seen many things that could be classified as cute but never a human so....

Cute looking.......

        Only then had he noticed the girl was trying to get his attention,"Hello? Anyone home?"she was waving her hand over his face,"Cut that out,""Oh so you are there Mr. Heiwajima,"she began playing with her hair now sounding completely disinterested,"Like hell I'm-Wait...How do you know who I am?"She made a pfft sound then looked at him."Just a guess....."

        Shizuo scoffed 'Well it's not like people wouldn't know who I am...'he thought."I can't believe I actually got that right though that was just a flat out guess...." Shizuo growled"What the hell do you want?"She sighed,"Just want to now what a man with such a reputation is so angry today.....I saw you you were fine for a few seconds then you started throwing a tantrum...."

        Shizuo no longer wished to speak with this girl so he got up and was about to leave until the girl said something,"It's about Izaya Orihara and your princess isn't it?"He froze'How the hell did she know that?' the girl then put money on the table and began to walk out the door.

        Shizuo then grabbed her shoulder,"How'd you know that?"She turned to face him,"Come by same time tomorrow and I'll tell you."with that she took his hand off an left leaving a shocked Shizuo behind.

'Who was this girl?' he thought.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 17, 2014 ⏰

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