Chapter Two

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[Word Count: 578]

After the incident in the common room, you had gone to Tony and Bruce in the lab, they were the geniuses and they would know what to do. They had to.

They had you sitting on a table, Steve was standing at your side as reassurance you assumed, and Tony was standing by the door watching intently as Bruce used a huge ass needle to draw your blood. He pushed his glasses up the bridge of his nose and looked down at the fluid which filled the syringe, it was blue.

"I thought it's only blue inside your body." You said, looking from the syringe to Bruce. You weren't the science type, but you knew that much.

"It is, or, it's supposed to be." He said, pulling the needle out of you, "This is... odd."

"She's been emitting some kind of icy aura all day," Tony piped, "one might think that's a little odd too."

Bruce rolled his eyes at Tony's comment and walked over to another table, where he had a microscope. He dropped a little of the blood on a slide and then pushed it under the lens and leaned down to examine it.

As you watched Bruce nervously, you felt something graze your fingers. You looked down to see Steve's hand. When he saw you looking he reached tentatively out. Any other time you would've died from happiness that he wanted to hold your hand, but now you were afraid you might hurt him.

You pulled away from him, bringing your hand to your chest and covering it with the other, "Steve no."

"A little cold isn't going to bother me, I was frozen in ice for forty years, remember?" He gave you a small comforting smile, you knew he was trying to cheer you up, but it didn't work. "You were the one who pointed out the cold in the first place," You said, "remember?"

He seemed to pout at your reminding him, "Okay but-"

"Guys," Bruce interrupted from over at his microscope, "you might want to come see this."

"What? What is it?" Tony asked going straight to Bruce's side.

Bruce moved away from the microscope and motioned for him to look. He did, and when he straightened back up he looked grave, "Yeah that's definitely not normal."

Bruce shook his head, "No it isn't."

You swallowed and asked, "What's not normal?"

In response they only looked at you in silence. Trying to think of how to put what they saw into words.

Steve moved from his spot by you to go look into the microscope as well, and afterwards he too turned and stared at you.

"Okay, I want to see whatever this is for myself!" You said getting up.

Steve went to stop you, holding his hands before himself to prevent you from passing, "That may not be a good idea y/n."

"I don't want to turn you back into a capsickle Steve, and you know I can't control this. So please get out of my way."

He sighed, looked at the others for confirmation, and apparently he saw it in their eyes because he stepped out of your path.

You approached the microscope and looked down, you got a short glimpse of the color blue before you placed your hand on the side of the microscope mindlessly and froze it completely, causing the whole thing to shatter. You stepped back with a gasp, "Oh my God."

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