Chapter Three

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[Word Count: 731]

You were assembled in the lounge with the rest of the team. Natasha sat on the couch with Clint on her left and Thor on her right. Wanda was gazing mysteriously out of the window, her back turned to the rest of the gang, Vision was standing by the couch watching Wanda like a lovesick puppy and trying not to seem obvious. Sam was sitting in an armchair tapping his fingers on his knee, and Bruce and Tony were in the middle of the floor, you and Steve standing off to the side.

"So, what's this emergency meeting for, exactly?" Natasha asked, leaning forward with her elbows propped on her knees and her hands tucked under her chin.

"Yeah and why is it freezing in here?" Sam asked raising one of his hands a moment.

"Uh." Tony said, and everyone looked at him waiting for his answer. It didn't come. He stared wordlessly at them. Since when is Tony Stark at a loss for words? But then you thought, you weren't really sure what to say either.

Bruce stepped forward, "It's about Y/N."

That got everyone's attention, even Wanda came away from the window and went to put her hand on your arm as if to ask if you were okay, but you stepped away from her touch. "You can't." You said. She looked at you confused, wondering what was wrong.
You were like a sister to her, in fact, you were family to everyone in this room, what would they do if something was wrong with you?

"Is it about Y/N's ice thing from earlier?" Clint asked. Everyone looked at him.

"What ice thing?" Natasha questioned .

You stepped forward to where Tony and Bruce were, trying to figure out how to talk about this and sighed, shocking everyone because they could see your breath mist the air. "Oh great, now I've got frost breath too??"

"That's new." Sam said in awe, "but pretty cool."

You shook your head, "Not really. I'm terrified I'm going to freeze everything I touch, and now I've got to worry about breathing too."

"Why can you do these things?" Thor asked, "I mean you didn't have these powers before did you?" You shook your head, "I didn't."

"We don't know why this happened." Bruce said, "But she seems to have mutated—"

"You don't just mutate overnight," Tony argues, "She's got to have been born this way!"

Bruce sighed, they've been arguing—er, passionately debating—this all morning. "Then why have her abilities been dormant all these years?" He questioned, turning to Tony.

"Guys, I don't think this is helping Y/N out any, you're discussing her like she's not even here." Natasha said, motioning in the direction of you.

The two arguing men turned to look at you and their expressions softened, "Sorry." They both said.

"It's alright." You smiled half-heartedly, "Can we just... figure something out? I can't touch anything without freezing it right now."

"Really?" Sam asked from his armchair, with an eyebrow arched.

You nodded.

"She froze the tv remote earlier." Clint said agreeing.

Sam pulled a small pillow from behind his back and tossed it at you. You barely caught it, not expecting someone to throw something at you. The fabric instantly formed a frost over it before completely freezing, you accidentally drop it and it shatters on contact with the floor.

"Sam!" Steve raised his voice at him as if he were a child, the man only shrugged at Steve's stern glare.

Everyone else looked at you in surprise, apart from Clint who was grinning like he'd just seen the coolest thing ever. "Hey, you know that movie Frozen?" He asked. Natasha slapped his arm, "Don't even."

You sigh, your breath misting, you've noticed it does that during moments of great emotion, maybe your powers are connected to your emotions? But again, you weren't the science type. "See?" You said looking at them.

"Your hands." Vision said, and you look down to see the same mist from earlier was rising from them.

You closed your hands and pulled them to your chest, "They do that." You said weakly.

"Look, I think... I think, I know someone who can help you Y/N." Tony said.

You look at him hopefully, "Who?"

He looked into your eyes and asked, "Have you ever heard of Charles Xavier?"

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