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"What the hell"I mumbled while my mouth was covered.

"Shhh, Seungmin I saw you talking to other students, are they perhaps, your friends?" My sister asked as she removed her hand from my mouth.

"No! I would never. They were just asking me something." My palms started to sweat.

"What was that something? They seemed very comfortable with you." She lifted a brow.

"They asked if I could go on a camping trip with them and their friends this spring break. I refused." I explained for my well being.

"Seungmin, I'll do this one thing for you, I know I haven't been the best sister in the world but, go." She said softly with guilt in her brown eyes.

I've never heard her like this.

"W-what do you mean?" I blinked in confusion.

"I mean go on the trip, you need it, I'll try to convince mother, don't worry about it. You need a break from this and a week is enough." She smiled as she traced her hand on my bruise and sighed.

I was to shocked to speak a single word.

"Listen, I know they are trust worthy, they are my friends, and their friend group isn't bad they are some of the nicest people I know. Don't worry they don't know I'm your sister." She smiled and scrunched my hair with her pale hand.

"Well let's get to class. I'll tell them you're going." She pat my back and opened the door.

It took me awhile to be pulled back into reality. Did she really be nice to me?

I left the empty room in awe and walked into the classroom.

"Seungmin dear, what is that?" The teacher pulled me to the side so we wouldn't disturb the class but it just made everyone stare.

"What is what ma'am?" I questioned innocently.

"That thing on your neck." She pointed in concern.

"I forgot to cover it up."

"O-oh well, uh." I covered my wound.

"I don't know ma'am sorry." I smiled and bowed

I quickly walked to my seat making eye contact with my sister. Seungin.

She quickly walked up to me.

"Seungmin! What is that? Why didn't you tell me?!" She slightly slapped my head.

Hyunjin stares confused from behind me.

"Well, yesterday when I was fixing the garden I was in the shed reaching for a shovel when chaeyoung called me, I jumped and bumped the shelf causing this to happen. " I pulled down my hoodie revealing a large gash on my neck.

"Oh my god does it hurt?" She covered her mouth.

"A lot, but I'm fine." I smiled

"No you're not, if you don't want it to get infected, you have to get that treated." She pulled me up to the teacher.

"But I'm already the most unhealthy I can be." I pulled back.

"Shut up you're going to the doctor."

"Mrs. Kim, may I take Seungmin to the doctor? I'm his elder sister and my mother gave me the permission to drive and take him places." She showed her the false note she wrote.

"Oh yes of course he needs all the rest he can, and if he's entrusted to you by your mother I see no problem." She let us out.

"Seriously, I'm not used to this. Are you going to hurt me even more?" I asked not believing her kindness for a second.

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