Moving in

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London's POV.

walking into his house I wasn't suprised to find even the inside was beautiful. I mean it was so homie aand there's just an elegant feel to the house that I instantly love the rooms are all Color in beautiful tones there is also pictures of there family everywhere. Just looking at the house I instantly know that lily and Blake were raised with wealth and love. Unlike my house that has nothing but an old sofa and a tv there's never any work done and it just smells like alcohol I'm just jealous that they have such a great family and was raised with such love that I could never have.

Blake leads me to the family room were I see the whole group and to other people and when I say they are beautiful they are beautiful. I know that these are Blake and Lilly's parents from the photos around the house and the similar features all of them have.

I here a squeal and someone run up to me and give me a big hug " I'm so happy to finally meet you " Blake's mom says smiling up at me. " im blakes mom please call me angie though " Blake's mom-- i mean Angie said and whenI look at her she has long black hair and gorgeous green eyes now I know we're Lilly gets her eyes from.

I smile back at her and say " hello " then there dad comes up to meet me and gives me a hug i flinch back from the his hug but still let him hug me not trying to be rude. Wow does everyone in this town always have smiles on there faces and give hugs.

" it's nice to meet you London " he says with a grin on his face.

" nice to meet you to " I said back in a low voice

" miy tewn i wana biwg hug too " I heard a little girls voices Say in the sweetest to I look down and see the cutest little girl run up to me hugging my leg.

" hello there and what's your name " I said smiling at the little girl while giving her a big hug.

" hi " she said smiling " I'm Charlotte Buht eberey one called me Charlie" she said looking up at me from under her eyelashes oh my god she is so freaking cute.

" I'm London " I said bending down to her level so I can look at her and hold out my hand to shake Lauren puts her little hand in my hand and shaked it. It felt so Wierd shaking her little hand she is just o cute.

" I know yewr miy big bruders mate hew bewn looting foor yoew " she said looking at Blake then back at me " I caan awreafy see he lovey yoew " she whispersnin my ear I have to really think to know what she's talk about with her little baby talk.

Then I was about to ask her a question whe Blake started talking " okay cahrlie come here let's go sit on they couch so we can talk " he said picking up Charlie and sitting on the comfy look sofa.

" otay Blakey " she said aww.... She called him Blakey i can tell he loves his baby sister a lot. I go and sit across from Blake because if I was next to him I would be just to distracted by him. I really need to know all about everything and sitting by Blake would just cause me to lose my train of thought.

" okay let's start at ................. " Blake started to talk about how everything started and how I could be a werewolf and what it would feel like and the powers wolves have like the mind like and I now know that Blake is the alpha. That's why everyone is always so scared of him in school and people shuts up when he tells them to I guess I'm the only one to see his good side they also told me that I would be the Luna of the pack which is alpha female.

The we got on to the mate part and he tells me why I fell what I feel and he told me about the mating progress which made me blush because we would have ow and for the mating process to be finish I would have to have children and not just one kid either two or more we'rewolfes usually have more than one there first time having kids.

" okay now you can ask any questions that you want " Blake told me looking really serious

" okay I don't think my " parents " are weres " i said to all of them I mean I think I would know if George and Sarah were werewolfs. But if I really think about it there are some signs that they might be both of them because I'm a full wolf.

" oh know I'm sure they are because if they weren't weres then I don't think that you would be bruised like that " jake said and from across of me I can here a growl go throw the house that could kill.

" can we please move on to something else " Blake said with his eyes getting darker and darker his light blue eyes now black.

Why is he so fucking mad!!!!

" whatever I have to get home before I get in trouble " I said getting up to go home. This is going to be one long walk home I already know there's going to be a beating onces I get in the house for not having there dinner ready and getting back so late. I shiver thinking about it.

" umm.... Bye it was nice meeting you all " I smiled at them and was on my way to the door when someone grabbed my arm. When I turn around I see Blake Looking at me angry what the fuck did I do this time. He really needs to take a chill pill or something he's always so mad.

" NO your not going with those ( he growl ) people " Blake said pulling me back to sit down on the huge sofa.

" WHAT AR YOU TALKING ABOUT!!!! You don't own me or tell me what to do " I yelled at him who is he to tell me where I should go I know that there abusive but come on I have know where else to go yet. But still how is he going to tell me your not going somewhere.

He growled at me " your staying here " he said

I was suprised did he just growl at me " did you really just growl at me so really tell me were I'm safe !!! " I yelled at him I can't believe he just growled at me but why do I have to me so hurt.

His face instantly softened " I'm sorry I just can't let you get hurt Agian " he said looking into my eyes " I love you " he said kissing my cheeck I blushed

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