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Okay so im trying to figure out why this dumb bimbo barbie bitch is grinding on my mate while he keeps trying to pull her off but shes like some kind of cobra barbie bitch.

ill snatch her off by her blonde hair!!!!!

i growl out loud and everyone averted there eyes to me. i put my hands over my mouth thinking " what the hell was that " i said in my head

" thats your wolf instincs coming in " lilly said giggling at my blushing face.

" oh I really don't think I'm ready for the change yet " I tell her.

" Blake will be with you the whole time it'll be easy " she said nonchalant.

" well i would be happy if this bimbo wasnt all over him right now " i said with anger in my voice.

" now go get the bitch!!! before i do it for you i might hate my brother but i love you like a sister and she is not going to brake you two up on your birthday.......and theres slut germs all over her she will spread them" lilly says gagging.

i growled agian and stood up and jumped onto the table. queen bee looked at me like i was lower than dirt and lilly had been turned off the music. all of a sudden the bitch pushed me ( i dont even know her name ). i went right into it i pulled her hair and she fell off the table, everyone in the lunch room laughed at her while she glared daggers at me.

" Blake did you just see what she just did! " she screamed.

" I think everyone did " I said with a smirk on my face.

" who are you and get the fuck away from him hes mine " she said venom in her voice but not enough to scare me ive heard worse.

blake jumped off the table with me and once i was on the floor whatever her name is was in my face glaring me from had to toe. did she really think she was scarying me. Yeah Right!!

" this is my mate London and your new alpha female so I think you should back down " he said in his alpha voice.

" yes alpha " she said bowing her head but still glaring at me. I have a feeling this while not be over anytime soon. But I don't really care I will still try out for the cheer team.

She snapped her fingers and two more blonde bimbos come beside her glaring at me " hello London " she spat my name out " I'm Megan this is Sarah and Samantha I think we could be friend " she says coming at me for a hug.

She whispers in my ear " I will ruin you and I will turn you back to who you were we yo came to this town a scared fragile girl " she spat in my ear and I really did feel like actual spit on my eat and pulled away with a grin a evil grin if you asked me. I put on a fake smile and nodded my head.

If she really thinks that she is the scariest thing I've in countered then she really is a bimbo and I have a very good judge of character. I'm a new London I'm not and can not go back to that scared and fragile girl I was and not with Blake by my side he will always make me happy.

The bell rang and we all walked out of the cafeteria to go to our next class which I have with Lilly.

---------------------------- At cheer tryouts ---------------------------

I'm sitting in the hot sun on the side lines of the football field were i am going to tryout for the cheer team at and were they practice. And the football team is practicing also soooo.......right now I'm completely drooling over Blake's body and the sweat dripping down his incredibly abs, this is such a destruction did he really have to practice with his shirt off. He winks at me and says " you like the view " pointing to his abs and smirking at me.

He's All Mine(~EDITING~)Where stories live. Discover now