I'm in his room

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Still staring into those beautiful sea blue eyes as I think do I love him? I mean I think I do but do I fully love him enough to say so. I just don't want anything to move to fast I know about the mate process and everything starts with a kiss then moves on to the more R rated are things. Looking at those lushes full lips that I just want to feel against mine I can't because I don't want to move to fast. I will admit it now I mean I can admit it now I don't want to Lose him even tho we just met is that Wierd.

Blake looks at me like he's reading my mind and he knows what I'm thinking " it's okay I don't want you to say anything yet if you don't feel it yet " he says smiling at me but I can tell there was a hint of hurt in his eyes I just want to run up to him and give him a hug and a kiss.

I look up at him " okay " with a smile that I had to force onto my face still tempted to jump him right now.

As all these thoughts are going through my head I didn't notice that he was taking me up stares I didn't even feel myself walking. How did that happen seriously I need to regain my focus I'm slacking I just hope hat he isn't in nun of my class tomorrow.

Looking at the long hall ways there each a different color but with glossy wood. It's like someone just came and cleaned it just now it still has that sparkle. I love the way the rooms are set up there's about 5 different floors.

Then Blake starts to laugh..at me " your face is so funny " he said still laughing I blush

" shut up " I say but I try to hold back the smile thats building up in me. I just love being around him he makes the sad moments Not so sad anymore. But I know this won't last for long once he sees the scars that trail down my back, arms , and legs I'm Ugly.

So caught up in my own thoughts I don't even notice that we were standing in front of two wooden doors that says Alpha Blakes Room which means this is his room. I'm actually nervous and confused why do we need to go in his room. I hope he doesn't think he's getting laid!!.

I look up at him and he's really tall I really have to ask him how tall he is " why are we at your room " i said annoyed and angry that he would think that I'm that kind of girl. It's not that I don't want him because trust me I really do I just don't want to go into things to fat even if we are mates.

Blake looks at me nervously. So mr. Big bad alpha gets nervous and he blushes and it's all because of me " because this were your sleeping " he said

" why can't I just get a guess room or something " I said looking down and playing with my fingers I hope he doesn't think I'm ungrateful or anything I just am scared and a little nervous to be near a boy let alone sleep in the same bed with him.

" oh my God just come and sleep in here I don't bite " he said opening the bedroom door. I'm so tired I just say in my head FORGET IT!! And walk in the room. Once I take at the room it's huge and the bed is a king sized be but at the same time I think it's bigger. Good . " here you can change into this " he said passing me a sports t-shirt and some of his boxer.

I walk into the bathroom and Put on the clothes he gave me. I can't help myself I buried my face into his shirt and inhaled his scent deeply it's a woodsy smell his clothes just smell like him and it's like a drug to me. I know I'm a Wierd stalker for smelling his clothes like this but it's just so addicting.

Once i walk out of the bathroom I see Blake on the bed with nothing on but Calvin Klein under wear he has his hands behind his head laying back on the bed looking at me with lust in his eyes and a smirk on his I couldn't help but do the same. What would you do if you were in a room with a Greek god who is your mate and looking at you with lust in his eyes?.

I walk on the other side of the bed I get on the bed and under the covers * sigh * this is the most comfortable I have been since....forever. I have never had a bed but right now I'm laying in the most expensive bed I have ever seen I turn around to look at Blake and already see him staying at me.

I smiled " what!!! " I say laughing at his dreamy expression " your all ways staring at me fucking weirdo " I said with him laughing with me this time.

" uhhh.... Your just so beautiful and you don't even see it " he said frustrated why does he always do this to me makes me feel all mushy and Girly. I'm not a Girly girl I like to play sports and stuff I just don't really always get a chance to with all my "injures" I have I can't always play in gym. when I'm healed I love it playing all different type of sports I even love to cheer I can admit.....I just hate those snobby bitches that think there the shit.

I stare at Blake and smile " have you been drinking " I say putting my hand on his head like I'm taking his temperature " yeah your kind of hot " I said laughing.

" your just noticing I'm appalled " he said touching his heart with fake hurt. I keep laughing until I can calm my self down I lay down on my back now falling asleep. Before I fall asleep I feel to arms wrap around my waist instantly know who it is because of the sparks I feel rush over my body it's the most comfortable I have ever been he's just so warm it makes very dirty thoughts pop into my head.

Then darkness takes over me ......💤💤💤💤💤💤.

<><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>AUTHORS NOTE <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>

I Finnally uploaded this chapter YAY!!

Sorry I haven't uploaded in along time


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