Chapter 5

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Sam's POV
Wow today was eventful. My girlfriend came back an hour after the game. I feel so guilty. I don't know if I should tell her. She just got here. But I think I want to be with Colby. I think I'm starting be in love with him. You can't be in love with two people at the same time. It's impossible. I hope he's doing okay after that. Oh crap I didn't even think about my hickey!!! She's going to see it tomorrow!! You know what? I'm just going to tell her.

Sam-" Hey Kat?"

Kat-" Yeah babe? "

Sam-"We need to talk about something."

Kat -" Oka..wait what the hell is that on your neck?! Is that a hickey?!!

Sam-" Yes it is. It's from the game from tonight. Corey dared Colby to do it. And that's the thing I want to talk to you about. Okay I'm just going to say it.. I don't want to be together anymore. "

Kat-" You know what? I'm not going to be dealing with this ish right now. I got crap going on at home and I don't need this. Go f your new boyfriend. I'm done."

And with that she left and I'm a single man now. I'll talk to Colby tomorrow.. I need to text Corey this.

S- Hey Corey I just broke up with Kat. She just left.

C- Okay man. You alright?

S- Yeah I just needed to do it. I'm going to talk to Colby tomorrow.

C- Okay. Good luck.

S- thanks dude. And thank you for everything.

C- You're Welcome.

Alright. Well tomorrow is another day.

Solby - secret feelings Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora