Trouble in Suna

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"What's happening?" Naruto said as he looked at the sight of the village in the sand burning

"Naruto are you sure you teleported us to the right place" Shikamaru said worried

"Yeah. Kitsune left a kunai here" Naruto said taking out a kunai that was buried in the sand

"What are standing around for. Let's go help out" Ino said before she noticed Shikamaru already in the village.

Everyone followed soon after.

After making to the village they decided to split up.

The girls would fine a place to meet up again and for the Konohamaru corps to rest, Shikamaru, Choji and Sai search the south, Lee and Neji search north, Kiba, Akamaru and Shino search west, Sasuke search the east and Naruto search the middle

Each group had a Naruto clone to act as quick transport

About thirty minutes of searching the village that had nothing but burning buildings and corpses but when Naruto was about to give up Garra fell from the sky

Naruto saw and made his golden cloak appear before making his right hand bigger and catching Garra like a baseball before putting him on the ground and deactivating his chakra cloak

"Garra. Garra wake up" Naruto said shaking his body but it was quickly turning cold so he took out the last remaining potion he had on him and threw it on Garra.

The potion healed Garra causing him to awaken

"Garra. Are you okay?" Naruto asked

"Y-y-yes I'm fine" Garra stautered weakly before standing up

"Let's get you out of here" Naruto said as he held unto Garra's shoulder and teleported to the meeting point where everyone was waiting.

Shikamaru had found Temari and team seven had found Konkuro who was poisoned by Sasori.

Sakura was quickly working on an antidote because Shikamaru had use the potion Naruto gave him on Temari

"What happened here?" Naruto asked when the dire situation calmed down

"It happened so suddenly I was in a meeting when suddenly I heard explosions. So I went to check it out and found two akatsuki members along with the past Kazekage" Garra said

"What!" Naruto said astonished

"Akatsuki" Sasuke said

"Yeah. They had infiltrated the village and started a massacre. Most of the civilians where evacuated in time but the shinobi were captured" Temari said

"Where are the civilians?" Lee asked

"They're under the village" Temari said

"I made a emergency shelter under the village in case such a thing ever happened" Garra said

"Well I think we should get them out since the enemy's gone" Neji said deactivating his byakugan making Garra nod.

Everyone except Konkuro, the Konohamaru corps and Sakura

Garra then shifted the sand below their feet making it spin before a stair case appeared

When they had arrived at a cavern filled with civilians and genins along with chunins and around ten jonins

"Lord Kazekage!!" They erupted as they spotted Garra

"What's happening Lord Kazekage?" They said before they started bombarding him with questions

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