Five years later

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(The void)

"Are you brats sure about this?" Draig asked

"If you leave you won't be able to return" Tatsuyu said

"Yeah we're sure. It's time for us to return" Naruto said

"Okay then. Summon us anytime you need us" Tatsuyu said

"Whatever. With our strength we won't need your help" Sasuke said

"Whatever brat" Draig said

"Well see ya" Naruto said

"Goodbye"  Tatsuyu said

"Get lost" Draig said before they smiled and they reversed summoned themselves


Naruto had just appeared at the hideout where everyone had stayed for a month before going to Uzushiogakure.

The only thing remaining in the hideout was dust that had collected over the past five years

Naruto took one final looked around before teleporting above ground.

He could see where they had been planting crops.

The next thing Naruto wanted to see was Konoha.

He had heard it was in a pretty bad shape so he teleported to the Hokage mountain.

But could you imagine the surprise he felt when he got there.

Nothing was the same.

The once joyous village he had been banished from had been turned into a dark lonely place surrounded by a gigantic wall taller than of the Hokage mountain.

The roads were dead and most of the shops were closed down except for one which was still opened on the other side of the village but no one seemed to be on the road except for the ROOT agents hiding in the shadows

"Hey there's no use hiding" Naruto said not getting a reply

"Get out here before I drag you out" Naruto said as he reached for the kitsune no ken then suddenly ten ROOT anbu came in front of him

"ROOT" Naruto said

"You are the traitor Naruto Uzumaki. Lord Sixth and told us to capture you if you ever return to the village again" one of ROOT agent said reaching for the sword on his back

"Don't bother. You'll only get hurt if you tried. Just return to Danzo and say you couldn't accomplish the mission" Naruto said

"Not an option" one of ROOT agent said before he attacked Naruto and in an literal blink of eye all the ROOT agents were unconscious

"I warned you" Naruto said before he jumped down

The minute his feet touched ground he was surrounded by ROOT agents

"You know how this is going to end up" Naruto said bit they didn't back down so he sighed


Sasuke had reversed summoned himself from a  very unpleasant place where he got covered with saliva once again

"That god damned snake" Sasuke said as he flashed the saliva off him

Sasuke looked around the hideout to see if he could see anything worthwhile but he noticed nothing was left

"Looks like they took everything" Sasuke said before he smirked and started heading down a path

"Naruto should be at the leaf by now. I guess I have some time to kill" he said as he walked to a locked steel door

Naruto and Sasuke sage storyWhere stories live. Discover now