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"So you guys believe there's a spy in the village" Shikamaru said as they all sat on a couch with Sasuke and Shikamaru playing shogi

"Yes but we know it's not anyone from the sand" Naruto said

"Nor from the wave" Sasuke said

"And they definitely not be from Uzushiogakure" Shikamaru said

"And the new guys doesn't know much so they wouldn't be useful as spies" Sasuke said

"So it has to be one of the konoha twelve" Naruto said

"Thirteen" Shikamaru said

"What?" Naruto asked

"Including you two there's thirteen of us. And guess which one of us used to work for Danzo" Shikamaru said

"Sai" Sasuke said

"He used to work for Danzo. How do you know?" Naruto asked

"During the mission to get me to return to the leaf. Sai talked to Orochimaru and gave him something" Sasuke said

"So what we confront Sai" Naruto said

"We can't. Not without proof" Shikamaru said

"Okay. We'll follow him around then" Naruto said

"You can't. You guys are needed for the preparation for the war. You set it for two months from now and we can't just not show up. We've already lost the element of surprise plus all the money we have will be reduce to nothing" Shikamaru said

"How do you guys make money anyway?" Sasuke asked

"Export" Shikamaru said

"Export" Naruto said

"Yeah. We export wood, weapon, training supplies, food, flowers and perfume and more" Shikamaru said

"So why would money go down it's not like they know it's from Uzu. Unless you put the symbol on there" Naruto said

"No we didn't but the major villages that normally buy our stuff are on high alert so I doubt they'll buy stuff from some unknown village" Shikamaru said

"Since they are allied with each other we can't just put another village's symbol on it" Sasuke said

"They'd check if it's really from them" Naruto added

"So what now" Sasuke said before the doors opened and the blood clones along with Sakura and Hinata walked into the room laughing

"Oh hey guys" BC Naruto said

"What are you doing?" BC Sasuke asked

"Planning to spy on a spy" Sasuke said

"Good luck with that" BC Naruto said

"Actually you guys will be helping as well" Shikamaru said

"What why?" Naruto groaned lazily

"What's wrong. You did skip work for a week now. Did you think that just because the original Naruto and Sasuke are back. You guys won't be doing anything" Shikamaru said

"Um...... Yes" BC Naruto said

"No. You guys will be spying on Sai" Shikamaru said

"Sai-kun" Hinata said

"Why would they spy on Sai?" Sakura asked

"We think he's a spy for Danzo" Sasuke said

"S-s-spy. That's impossible" Hinata said shocked

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