Chapter Six: Surprises On The Door Step

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Oh my I would just like to thank all the people who voted and take the time to read my story. Thank you and I have over 400 views that is crazy!

Hope you enjoy this chapter. Tell me what you think. If you have any ideas for a new story comment. I was thinking Larry, Narry, or Ziall. Comment what you want!


Best Comment ( Or whoever comments because sometimes I feel like I'm talking to a wall but anywho lets get on with the chapter!)


Louis's POV

I woke up around 9:00 practically rolling out of bed, with my head pounding. I looked around and realized that I wasn't in my own room or house. I was at Zayn and Harry's house. I sighed and made my way downstairs to the kitchen, a wonderful smell hitting my nose.

I walked in to see Harry and Zayn cooking breakfast. Harry turned around and looked at me," Wow Lou did you forget something?"

"I don't think so?" I asked confused while grabbing some Advil and OJ. I looked around and checked my self to see if anything was wrong.

He chuckled and exited the room. Zayn turned around. His eyes widened and he raised his eyebrows," Um Lou look down."

I looked down too see that I forgot to put on some pants on and that left me in only boxes and a t-shirt. I turned around and shook my bum," I don't see anything wrong!"

"Gross man! I am scarred for life!" Zayn yelled while covering his eyes.

"Oh my lovely Zaynie your just jealous that my bum is way more fabulous than yours! " I said while running to him and kissing his check.

He gagged and wiped his check," Gross Lou now I'm infected! Blah!"

"What are you doing Lou!" Harry yelled and ran in. He looked at me with red eyes and steam practically coming out of his ears. He was jealous.

"Nothing Harry he just kissed me on my check and told me he has a very large arse." Zayn chuckled.

I gasped and dramatically put my hands on my chest,"How dare you Malik! Do I insult your perfect check bones? No! Now make me some breakfast idiots!" I sassed while walking out and plopping myself down on their couch. I turned on the telly and watched while taking the Advil.

Harry walked in and said," Your breakfast is done your your highass!" He bowed and exited while I glared at him.

I got up and sat down at the table. Eggs, bacon, and omelets were set out. I put some food on a plate and started eating. Zarry sat right next to each other feeding each other food. I gagged and said," Get a room!"

"Fine we'll stop for you Boo!" Harry cooed. I glared at him and they both chuckled.

"When do we get to see my favorite nephew!" Zayn said while eating his food.

"Soon! I'm gonna get ready to leave soon ok!" I relied while walking out. I walked up to the guest room were my clothes from before my crazy double date were. I put them on and grabbed my phone. I walked downstairs and yelled a goodbye to Zayn and Harry. I got in my car and drove to my mum's house.

I couldn't wait to see my son. He was my life, before I was a reckless person who always partied until Lucy came into my life. I was so happy until I found out that she didn't love me. That's why I'm not ready to be in a relationship...yet, but Liam gives me one thing.


Liam's [short but interesting and cute] POV

I couldn't stop thinking about Lou. He is so beautiful. His ocean blue eyes, his messed up fringe, his hands. They fit between mine like they were meant to be.

Trusting Again //au: Lilo & baby!Niall\\Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt