Chapter Seven: Supper and Movie at Home

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A/N: Almost 600 views! You guys are awesome. Fluff chapter!

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Niall's Gift.....^


Louis's POV

I stood there shocked. Why was Liam sitting on my door step? How did he know where I lived? I picked Niall up and he giggled, shifting in my arms.

Liam stood up a smiled at me. Niall wiggled in my arms yelling 'Mister Liam' while trying to escape," Calm down Ni I'll put you down in a minute ok."

He squirmed and nodded. I slowly walked to the entrance," Liam what are you doing here!" I stopped and looked at him.

"I wanted to surprise you!" He said while blushing and scratching his neck. I smiled a bit and Niall giggled.

"Mister Liam!" Niall squealed while jumping in my arms. Liam smiled at me and Niall.

"Hi Niall !" Liam said to Niall. I put Niall down and he jumped up into Liam's arms. Liam looked a bit surprised but held Niall in his arms. Niall poked Liam's check. Liam tried to bit Niall's finger playfully, but Niall squealed and put his head on Liam shoulder mumbling 'no no' to Liam.

"Liam. I think you should go. We just got back?" It came out more like a question than a statement.

Liam nodded and looked at me, he handed me a bouquet of white roses. I gasped, he remembered that I said that roses were my favorite flowers, he even remembered that I said that I love white instead of red," You remembered!" I gasped.

He blushed a bit and nodded," Yeah how could I forget." He smiled a bit.

Niall looked at the roses," Daddy flowers!" He looked astonished and lightly touched the petal of one of the roses. His eyes widened and he giggled.

"Soft!" Niall looked up at Liam and I, still in his arms.

"Yeah bud they are and guess what you and your daddy get to keep them all." Liam said cooing to Niall. Niall squealed and nodded. I looked at Liam he was too kind. Liam reached behind him and grabbed the bag that he left on the ground. I forgot about the bag. He reached inside and pulled out a stuffed husky dog. It had big blue sparkling eyes and grey and white fluffy fur.

Niall gasped and Liam gently put the stuffed dog in his arms," For me?!" Niall asked while petting the dogs' fur.

Liam chuckled," Of corse bud!"

Niall squealed and wrapped his arms around Liam," Thanks Mister Liam!"

Niall snuggled the dog to his chest and rubbed his check against the dogs fur.

"I hope you like it bud! I picked it out just for you!" Liam said while smiling and tickling Niall gently.

"Love!" Niall yelled while looking up at both of us. I was just standing there shocked, Liam bought me roses and he got my son something too. He's just too perfect.

"Daddy! Mister Liam stay?" Niall asked with big doe eyes. Liam looked at me.

I looked back at Liam and he gave me a lopsided smile. I melted with the looked in his eyes. He was so kind even if I was like the meanest most rude person ever he still came back to surprise me. He risked his life for me and he still came back. I sighed looking at both my son and Liam," Fine but only for a bit!"

Liam smiled and Niall jumped out of Liam's arms and back into mine," Yay Daddy!" He began babbling on about what he wanted to do while Liam was over.

Trusting Again //au: Lilo & baby!Niall\\Where stories live. Discover now