Chapter 20: Escape Act

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Lucina's POV

"Well, this is an predicament."

We, the Shepherds, stood in Khan Flavia's chamber. I sighed and nodded my head. I had just told her all that had happen since the beginning of the Ylisse-Plegian War. About Morgan and Alex's betrayal, where Robin was this whole time, and the rise of Grima. Surprisingly, it felt good to get it of my chest. Though painful, having someone other than the Shepherds to talk to felt good.

"You said you had your brother held captive, right?" Flavia confirmed.

"Yes," I replied.

"What exactly is your plan for him?"

I paused. I knew my reason for keeping him and not killing him, but would it really matter? Everything he does making my head do flips. I sighed. "Well, if we keep him like we have been doing, it subdues the threat that he is. But, Grima still has a hold on him. If could, I would want to release him. He's still my brother."

"You sound just like your parents."


Flavia laughed. "Chrom would do anything for family, and Robin always thought logically, but still cared about everyone around her. They truly were two halves of a greater whole. Together, they were unstoppable.

"But, now, we are up against Robin's brains and Grima's power. If Grima was able to break Robin, then, his plans and schemes also make him a formidable foe. To be honest, with all the Risen and Grimleal, I don't know how we are going to break through and defeat Grima. The only thing I can think of is try and get something out of Morgan. Can we bring him here?"

"Sure." I turned to one of the soldiers that was with us. "Can you bring Morgan here?"

"Yes, your Highness," the soldier said bowing. He hurried out of the room.

"How do you think you would release Morgan from Grima's grip?" Flavia asked.

"I have no idea. Naga said that it would have to be before Grima was resurrected..."

"But now, Grima's back."

"Exactly, but Morgan confuses me. One minute, he acts like he will kill me; the next like he's my little brother that loves me. I can't tell if he is doing this conscientiously or he is switching between the two people with no control over it."

"Maybe, he wants you to be confused. Has he mentioned Grima at all when he being nice."

"Now that you mention that... he always avoid anything about Grima and remains silent if he is brought up." I pondered this, but my thought process was interrupted when the door slammed open. The soldier I had sent out to get Morgan ran in and was out of breath.

"Morgan's... escaped," he huffed out.


"I went there and found all the soldiers that were guarding him dead, and the chains in the tent were snapped."

"I'm going there, now." I stomped forward towards the door. The soldier ran up beside.

"Allow me to escort you. He might still be around." I smiled at him and hurried over to camp. By the sounds of it, it seemed like the Shepherds followed me, but I didn't turn around to see if this was true. After about five minutes, we arrived at the tent Morgan was being held in, and just as the soldier said, five soldiers were dead, covered in bruises, whelps, and blood.

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