Chapter 2

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I sit uncomfortably on the train of space, I don't like traveling to other realms, especially on the train of space. The train is filled with Keepers and Guardians squeezing in tightly on the train. "Well, well, long time no see Guardian of the Dreams, you don't travel much do ya," I look up to see West and give him a faint smile, which he politely returns. "Afraid not, I don't like traveling either," I say as West starts to grin. "You look beautiful today. Are you doing something different with your hair?" West say flirtatiously and I blush at his attempt to flirt. "No, but I have worked on my skills with wind work." I say as West's smile only grows wider. "Really, well you can't be as good as me," he brags and I smile a little more as the person sitting next to me has fallen asleep on my shoulder. "No, I'm most likely not as good as you but I can only get better when I practice" I say.

The train comes to a stop and I make my way off the train flying to the doors of Aztec's realm. Behind the huge crystal doors I can hear muffled voices speaking to each other and I eavesdrop. "Father what if shade hurts her an-" "Shade will not dare touch Scarlet, she will be fine" I hear Aztec's voice speak calmly "what I'm trying to say is that Shade knows her way in and out of the dream realm she could easily hurt Scarlet and I can't let that happen" I hear Asher speak in a stern voice and I blush, he cares about me. My eyes widen as I remember what I came here for and I pull the crystal rope ringing the bell that sounds someone is waiting at the front gate to see Aztec.

"Come in" I hear Aztec say in his booming voice. I take a deep breath in and exhale I quickly open the doors "Aztec" I say in a horrendously worried tone. Just seeing me outside the dream realm Aztec know something's wrong. "Scarlet, I will follow you to the dream realm and you can show me what's wrong" I hear Aztec say "no, father let me go I'm much faster" I hear Asher say as he starts to walk out of the room "Asher, I want you no where near the dream realm right now" Aztec says with power and dignity. Asher lowers him head and mumbles something to himself. I sniffle, every time I'm outside the dream realm I tend to get allergies, yes guardians have allergies too, not just mortals.

"I don't understand, how does this mortal know every guardian and keeper" I ask curiosity running through my head. Aztec gives shoots me a worried look "I....I don't know either" he says and a knot forms in my stomach. "You mean this never happened with, you know, Shade" I ask and he snaps his head my direction and narrows his eyes "no this is new to the realm, I must be getting back to my realm, just watch over this one extra carefully" he says and I nod "I won't let it out of my sight" and I turn my head back to the strange dream cloud..

In the corner of my eye I see Aztec turn to leave. I stay focused on the could when I hear and unfamiliar voice. I pick the cloud up and hide it from the stranger. "Hello" she says with a hostile like tone "hello" I say in a more frightened tone but she must I've picked it up "oh don't be afraid of me your not what I want, where's Aztec" she says and my eyes grow wide knowing who this person is, she's a lot more beautiful than I expected "if you want Aztec your gonna have to kill me" I say confidently. " I thought you might do this how about I just make you weak and I walk by you" she says "kill me" I said not afraid of dying it never been a fear of mine. "Ugh, you're so stubborn" she says and she opens her palm to reveal a black powder. A puzzling look creeps on to my face, what is that, Shade smirks and blows on the powder making it a thick black fog. "Scarlet get away from there, move out of the way!" I hear paisleys high pitched voice yell but I'm not quick enough to react and the fog paralyzes me.

"Bye Scarlet, I'm off to find Aztec" she says and she leaves the realm. Paisley flies over "I'm going to get Opal, she'll know what to do" I just stare at her with the same puzzling look unable to move my face. Paisley wing start to flutter rapidly and she exits the realm.

"Scarlet,what happened" I hear Opals swift soothing voice. Opal finally comes into view "oh this is way to easy, this is Ruby Dust, it's so strong it can paralyze someone" she waves her hand and a raging wind blows all the paralyzing particles off me. I move my eyebrows first because I had them furrowed for a long time. I run to Opal and embrace her "thank you so much I thought my eyebrows were gonna fall off but, Shade is here and she's looking for Aztec we need to warn hi. Before she can get to him" I say and Opal's face expression is now emotionless "someone needs to watch over the dreams though" she says "Pierce will, Paisley get Pierce and Gaze and watch the dreams for me" I ask and paisley nods

When we get to Aztecs palace I don't wait for permission to be let in I just barge in. "The pala-" "Aztec, you need to leave now!" I say in a booming voice almost commanding "and why is that" Aztec asks as he stands up. "Shade, she's here and she's looking for you" I say breathless and worried "I will summon all the guardians here and you will take me to the Dream realm where we will be ready for her" he says and he makes his way over tho the bell that summons all guardians and their here in no time.

Aztec and I make it back to the dream realm and I offer him to sit on my thorn his face looking flushed of any color. "Scarlet I need you to leave" Aztec says and I shake my head "no" I say. "Scarlet there's something I should tell you, when humans have crushes the person may or may not be the one, but when Guardians have crushes the particular Guardian is the others soulmate" I nod my head in understanding. " I need you to leave because you are my sons soulmate" he says and I furrow my brow "I'm Asher's soulmate" I say "yes, you are and that's why you have feelings about my son, it's also why my son is very protective of you" he says calmly and I blush slightly and I put a serious look on my face "what happened to your soulmate Aztec" I ask " Shade killed her" he says surprisingly soothingly and I instantly feel pity for him. "Scarlet, I need you to leave befo-" "Aztec, my friend I've been looking all over for you, look who I brought to the party" we both turn to see Shade hold Asher in a head lock .

Aztec's eyes fill with tears at the sight of his son about to be killed. "Shade let him go, then you can have me" Aztec says worry in his voice. Shade drops Asher and he falls to the floor and shade walks over to us. "Aztec, were you what's the word pleading" she's locks eyes with Aztec and then she turns her attention to me. She takes one of the blonde strips hanging in my face and tucks it behind my ear. "Well aren't you pretty" she says "it'd be a shame if I killed you wouldn't it" she smirks and and I exhale a shakes breath "You will not lay a finger on her" I hear Aztec say but Shade doesn't pull her attention away from me "well at least I can do this" she opens her palm reviling the sparkling Dream Dust. I tense up at the sight of the Dust and I look at her directly "please" I say pleadingly she just smirks even more and blows the dust in my direction. My eyes instantly grow heavy and I fall to the floor struggling to keep my eyes but when my head comes in contact with the ground my eyes give up and my world goes black.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 17, 2014 ⏰

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