Part Four of Losing Sammy

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School is starting in less than a month and I couldn't be less excited about that. Hopefully this time around I can make better friends. The only friend that was a remotely sincere friend to me is Sarah. I felt so alone as I sat in my tree, A.K.A my "safe haven". I spent way too much time up in that tree doing nothing besides playing my guitar some(which was a little tricky getting it up there). Dad gave me some planks of wood, a hammer, and some nails to "build a tree house". I made me spot attached to sturdy branches, big enough for me to be able to lie down and have a pillow or two. It was awesome. I kept some pillows and a blanket up there and ended up using them a lot. Especially, when I would watch the stars. After I was pretty sleepy, I'd head back to my uncomfortable bed and stale covers. They made me miss my big plush covers which were really soft. But now, my covers are itchy and thin; a bad combination. I sighed, contemplating sneaking back out to my safe haven,which was much more comfortable than this bed. The bad lighting and worn down faded walls were depressing. I remembered me wanting to paint it a more lively color, instead of it's paint-chipped off white. "A light blue would look nice,"I thought. I decided against it since I would be staying there temporarily. I heard a knock at my door, even though I was half-asleep. "Come in," I said sleepily, rubbing my eyes. I was expecting my dad to come in and say goodnight. There was no response. I sighed, getting irritated. "I said, Come in!". A quiet grunt followed by another round of knocking came, but this time I realized it was from outside the window, not my bedroom door. Confused, I pulled back the old curtains, and saw Carter, standing outside with a kind of smile that could make a storm subside. I gasped, and quickly unlocked and raised the window. I wished I would have been wearing something more flattering than his hoodie(that still somehow smelled like him even though it's been washed a few times) and basketball shorts. Tears stream down my face as I started to do this weird combination of a laugh and a cough. I couldn't breathe and I was so excited to see him! It was late, and really hot outside. Carter was breathing almost like I was. He pulled himself into my room with one arm, then both, his eyes ablaze with golden flecks and light brown swirls. I hugged him so tightly once he stepped in my room,trying not to trip over my guitar case laid out on the floor. I felt his tears fall on my shoulder. I tried to speak but nothing would come out. Once he realized I was trying to talk, he interrupted my words with his lips on mine. They were as soft and full and warm as they were the first time we kissed. I wished I could have stayed in that moment with him, but just like clockwork, it never lasted. He pulled away slightly,and whispered,"I traveled over an hour to be here, got lost at least five times, and I can't tell you how much it was worth driving at two in the morning just to see you". I loved him so much. He made me miss Sam a little less. Carter looked like he hadn't had a hair cut since I left a month ago,because his brownish blonde hair fell over his eyes, which was adorable. "I'm coming home next week",I told him, my heart racing. "Well, then I suppose we must go out on a date once you return", he said taking my hand, laughing quietly. His laugh was always helplessly contagious. "I don't want you to leave", I stammered. He stared into my eyes, looking concerned. I took in a sharp breath. "My tree house", I muttered. Taking his hand, I led him to my safe haven, and this time, I was the one giggling. He was a little hesitant about staying the night in a tree, but he did think it was cool,so instead he drove me around until I fell asleep. I was woken up some, by Carter singing a Taylor Swift love song. I tried containing my laugher, but eventually sat up and started singing along with him. "This is when the feelings sinks in!",he bellowed. "I don't want to miss you like thissss", we harmonized. The song ended as he pulled back into the driveway slowly putting the truck into park. we both sighed. I kissed him goodbye,and snuck back into my window. It was six in the morning and I couldn't sleep. If Carter would have stayed a little longer, maybe things would have been different.I paced back in forth in my room, smiling uncontrollably. If I only had known that Carter wouldn't make it back home alive, I would have cherished our pointless conversations more, the spontaneous dates he set up for us, more. The worst part about it, was I didn't know until I came home that next week. I was so stoked to be home, and to see Carter. I hopped out of the car,my heart soaring. My mom stopped me in the middle of our yard before I embraced her, her face was stern. "Anna..", she trembled. The smile I had on my face was quickly wiped clean off of my face. "He's...He's..gone..",she mumbled. "Carter Allen Johnson died in a head-on collision with a semi-truck on highway 69 at 6:38 A.M.",
The local newspaper said, in the obituaries section the next day.

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