Chapter 6

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Izzy's POV

I stood there in shock. When I finally registered what he said I started violently nodding my head. Luke smiled wide and pulled me into a huge hug. Luke pulled back then crashed his lip into mine. The kiss was slow but it was filled with so much passion that it was as if we haven't kissed in lifetimes. The kiss lasted for what felt like hours but was probably more like minutes. When we finally broke apart we realized that it was getting lighter outside. Luke chuckled and started packing up all of the things we brought.

I bundled up the blanket and took it to the car. Luke put everything else in the back then turned to face me. He smiled and pulled me into another kiss. I smirked into the kiss and decided to tease him a little bit. I bit his bottom lip, resulting in him moaning into my mouth, then pulled away and ran into the passenger side of the car. I looked into the mirror and saw him frown a little but then it was quickly replaced with a smile. He shut the trunk then got into the drivers seat. He turned on the car and started driving. About 5 minutes into the drive I realized that we weren't going towards our house.

"Luke?" I said. Luke hummed in response. "Where are we going?" Luke chuckled and slightly shook his head, "It's a surprise princess." I slightly flinched at the nickname, but realized that I didn't mind Luke calling me by it. Luke must have noticed my flinch because he suddenly realized what he had said. "Oh my god, I'm so sorry Izzy I didn't mean to call you that it just kinda slipped out I'm so--." I cut him off by putting my finger on his mouth."It's okay Luke, I kinda like you calling me that." I blushed when he started smirking. I removed my finger from his lips and turned my attention back to the road.

After what felt like hours we arrived at an IHOP. Luke got out of the car and ran over to my side to open my door before I could. I grinned at him and got out. We walked into IHOP and got directed to a booth. We sat down across from each other and opened the menu. When we finally figured out what we wanted we called our waitress over. Luke ordered the Double Blueberry Pancakes with a side of bacon and sausage while I got the Strawberry Banana Pancakes with a side of hash browns. When the food got to the table Luke immediately dug into his pancakes, resulting in me giggling at how excited he was for pancakes. About halfway through the meal I got an idea. Slowly I started to trail my foot alone the side of his leg. When I got a little closer to his thigh I heard Luke choke on his pancakes.

"Are you alright babe?" I asked, playing innocent. Luke shoots me a small glare and I raise my eyebrow pretending that I had no idea what was going on.

"Are you almost done with your breakfast, Izzy?" Luke asks while trying to scarf down the rest of his bacon and sausage, trying to get out of the restaurant as soon as possible. I put the rest of my food into the take-out box, making sure to take my time just to make Luke more antsy. When Luke finished paying he dragged me to the car and practically threw the food into the back. Luke climbed into the drivers seat and started the car. Before I knew it we were in Luke's driveway.

Luke got out of the car and basically ran to the door to unlock it. I chuckled at him, grabbing the food from the back and making my way inside. When I entered I couldn't see Luke anywhere so I put the food in the fridge so that it wouldn't go bad and went to go find Luke. I walked upstairs to find Luke in his bedroom.
When I opened the door I didn't see him until I heard the water start running in his bathroom so I decided to check on him. When I slowly opened the door I saw through the shower door that Luke was already in the shower with his back to me. I was about to walk away when I got an idea.

I carefully walked into the bathroom, making sure that I don't make any noise, and start to strip my clothes off of my body. I opened the door and walked inside, wrapping my arms around his waist. I felt Luke tense in my arms but then relax when he realized that it was me. I chuckled as he turned aroound in my arms. It wasn't until he turned around that I noticed how bad I wanted him. I went to look at his baby blue eyes but when I met them they were a dark blue, filled with hunger and lust.

"So princess, how about we dry off and go to my room?" I nodded and stepped out of the shower. Once we got back in Lukes room, he handed me one of his favorite shirts and turned around so that I could put it on. I dropped my towel and quickly put the shirt on over my head. Once I looked back up I noticed Luke was staring at me through the mirror above his dresser.

"Hey, its not polite to stare!" I teased, hitting Lukes shoulder.

"Sorry Princess, I couldn't help it," He chuckled back at me, in a playful tone, as he picks me up and drops me on the bed, "we should probably go to sleep, I have a long day planned tomorrow."

And with that I fell asleep in Luke's arms.


I'm SOOO sorry about the long wait for the upload, I've been super busy with my new job and school and I've had major writers block that I could not get rid of.
Anyways I hope you enjoyed reading this chapter and I'll try to get a new one up as soon as possible.

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