Chapter One

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Izuku Midoriya was four years old when he was told he was quirkless. He was fourteen when he discovered it wasn't true.

Four year old Izuku skipped into the hospital that day with his mother, bright eyed and bushy tailed. Ready for the confirmation of something he already believed to be true. Confirmation he never received. At least not from the doctor. Or even from his own mother. But there was one person who believed in him...

* * *

Izuku marveled as the deck of 40 cards flew through the air from one hand to the other. If he wasn't sure his grandmother's quirk was Attraction of Small Objects, he could've sworn it was something far more magical. His face split into a wide grin as she deftly dealt the cards into a three card spread.

"Listen carefully," she said, eyes sparkling. "I'll only tell you this once, Izuku." He nodded eagerly and reached out to touch one of the cards. Decorated with mysterious designs done in rich colors, he found himself drawn to them. She gently nudged his hand away.

"I know, abuela, you say that everytime," he whined. But this time was different. They were seated in their small living room, and next to her chair were her suitcases. "Tell me already! Please?" He pleaded and jumped onto the couch beside her.

"Patience," she chided, brushing her hair from her face. Once the same deep green as his mother's, it was now just gray. "This card is for the past, this card is for the present, and this card is for the future." She gestured at each card in turn, glancing at him each time to make sure he was paying attention.

"The future? Does that mean you can find out what kind of quirk I'll have?" He brightened at the thought, bouncing in place. Because at the tender young age of four, that's all any child ever cared about. "What does this card mean?" It was the image of a huge, golden coin. It was the Ace of Coins. She smiled.

"This card means success and triumph," she said, picking it up and ruffling his hair. His eyes lit up. "Interpret that as you may, Izuku. Don't get cocky though." She placed it in his outstretched hands and he clutched it to his chest. Suddenly the sound of someone knocking on the door resounded in the apartment and his face fell.

"Abuela, do you really have to leave?" he asked timidly, looking down at his feet. "Can't you stay a little longer?" He tossed the card back on the table with the other two and for the moment it lay there, forgotten. Tears threatened to spill out of his eyes, until she laid a comforting hand on his head of green curls.

"I'm afraid that's my ride, Izuku," she sighed, pushing herself to her feet. She was old. She had given birth to Inko in her fifties. In all honesty... She wasn't sure she'd ever see her grandson again if she left now. But if she was to die, she wanted to die at home. "Listen, if you ever miss me, you can just call me, okay? I want you to have this." She pushed the deck of cards into his hands and he looked up at her in disbelief.

"But you've had these cards for years," he muttered, scrubbing away the tears in his eyes. "Why are you giving them to me? I thought they were special?" It was true, this deck of cards had been in her family for years. They were a bit worse for the wear.

"Because I want you to have them. They are special. Treasure them. Take care of them," she smiled, grabbing the handle of her suitcase. The car scheduled to pick her up honked from outside. "Remember what I taught you Izuku. I'll see you when you're older." With that she swung the door open and left, and Izuku was left standing there, cards in hand.

"I will," he whispered, a fat tear rolling down his cheek.

* * *

It was a hot evening. Izuku sat across from a kid on the curb by the playground, three cards in hand. He grinned, plucking a Two of Clubs and placing it down.

In The CardsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon