Chapter 2~Settling In~

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A few days have pasted since we've flown into Busan, and I'm feeling good. I've been able to order food in Korean, ask for directions in Korean, talk to my principal in Korean. Yet I don't know why I'm so surprised at all of this, because I worked so hard to learn this language. I think it's just the thought that all of this is coming to life, so this is why I might be so proud of myself.

School starts tomorrow and I'm ready as I'll ever be. As I picked out my uniform and ironed it, reality started to kick in that I was actually living in a whole different country, and I'm not moving back.
I woke up early and ready to go to school. I ate breakfast(which I actually never do), said goodbye to my parents and went off to school. While walking to school I had this little hop and skip in my step. I'm guessing I was more excited then I thought but I have no idea why because I don't know anyone. (But I'm used to it so that's probably why, so nevermind.) When I walk in school the principal was waiting for me and helped me find all my classes on the map she gave me of the school.

She brought me into Chemistry class first and told me that I already have a lab partner and that hopefully we can be friends because it seems that we have all the same classes. She also told me that she had looked into my grades and was really impressed with my 4.0 GPA since 5th grade. I simply just told her that it was expected in my household and that it wasn't really a big deal. She laughed at what I said but then looked at me and was a little startled because she thought I was joking but I actually wasn't. But she then said "Well having these grades are very commendable, and I would like you to introduce yourself to that student I was telling you about with the same schedule as you. He seems to struggle in some classes and I was hoping you could tutor him." I then said "Of course I can." Not going to lie I was so confused on why he was struggling in school already when school started TODAY. But I kept that part to myself.

As we walked in the classroom I sat down at my assign seat, the principal left, and I was on my own until my lab partner came.

There were some people looking at me like I didn't belong knowing I was the new girl. I mean if the principal showing me the way and having a map of the school in my hand didn't give it away already, then I don't know what did. I didn't even mind people staring at me but it was they way they looked at me just sent chills down my spine. I mean it wasn't the type of stare where you look at someone until they see you, and then you look away, it was the "I don't care whether you see me or not I'm going to stare at you" stare.

Then this one particular boy walked in, he seemed the most popular, with a hint of being a bad boy. He caught sight of me and I don't know if it was because I've been stared at what it seems like all morning but he looked at me like..... I don't know how to explain but there was a sparkle in his eyes, that made me think that I wasn't the creepy weird new girl. Thankfully most people were looking at him now instead of me and that made me feel at ease.

Now after what had seemed like forever of him standing in front of the class he came and sat down next to me. Then he gently licked his lips and said "Hi my name is Jungkook, I guess we're lab partners now. Just to let you know that you should pay attention to me because if you don't I might try to set this place on fire."

To play it off cool I said "Depending on my mood that day, I will help you" I don't know why I said that because I know that's not true and I would never do such I thing. The worst thing I've ever done in my life was not look both ways before crossing a street, and to clarify I thought I did look both ways but I forgot too.

While I was waiting on him to cringe at what I just said he then laughed and after he caught his breath he said ".....I think we'll be good friends."

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