His Chrysanthemum ~ Chanbaek

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The titanium white, crescent moon shown through the passenger window like a beacon directing his way back home. His home. I wish I couldn't be this way Chan. I'm so sorry.

As Baekhyun told his driver where he wanted to go, silent tears streamed down his Crimson color cheeks. Whilst he tried stepping out of the vehicle, his driver stopped him.

"Are you sure you want to go alone? It's dark and you might get lost." The driver worriedly spoke.

"I'm okay, I know the way." He said as he stood outside the car holding a beautiful bouquet of White Chrysanthemums.

The driver nodded knowingly Baekhyun didn't need help, but, just incase Baekhyun ever decides to speak more than a sentence, he never hesitates to ask. He knew all to well why Baekhyun visited here more than anywhere else. How could he forget.

{Flashback; 2 years earlier}

"Come on Channie! It's not that hard!" Baekhyun snorted playfully from Chanyeols side. They were messing around in the streets, even though they were told not too.

"I don't want anything to happen Baek. What if a car decides to speed and I can't make it to the other side? What if someone doesn't stop? What if- what if someone doesn't-"

"-You'll be fine you giant baby. Now come on." The shorter male sassily interrupted.

Hand in hand, they walked across the bust street, not getting hit by any car. All was going well until Chan drops his phone while trying to text a friend. (A;N this is got nothing to do with this but who the f texts while walking across a busy street?) Chanyeol stops and bends down to pick up his phone.

As Baekhyun felt Chans hand slip from his own, he turned around as fast as he could, which was not fast enough. Baek's entire world fell apart in one fowl swoop.

"CHAN" he shouted. But it was too late. A speeding car had other plans and tried to swerve out of his way but missed severely.

Baekhyun panics and starts running back to his lover. He tried to call 911 but Chanyeol was losing too much blood at too fast of a pace.

As Baekhyun held his lovers almost lifeless body, the only thing he could think of was what's going to happen to us?

{Present day}

The more Baekhyun walked, the worse he felt. He knew what would happen. He would fall back in love every time he saw his face. Whatever he did to forget what happened, it never worked. There was no way Baekhyun could forget Chanyeol. After all it's his fault. I'm so sorry Chan. I wish I could turn back time and make everything okay again.

No matter how hard he tried, who could stop thinking about him. I can't, I can't do this. I can't stop thinking about you and it's ruining me knowing I can't be with you. He told himself. He couldn't bring himself to forget him.

   That smile, that laugh. I miss everything. Every little thing he did. Every little beautiful flaw he had, How could anyone compare to him? Baekhyun repeated to himself as he stood lazily over his ex boyfriends grave, decorated with his favorite flowers.

   I can't believe your gone and it's all my fucking fault.

As Baekhyun reached down to replace the old flowers, a familiar figure reached out to his shoulder, whilst wearing a mournful look. "Kyungsoo~" Baekhyun said barely above a whisper.

"I know you miss him Baek, we all do, but you have to let him go. He'll never be happy if you keep holding on. You'll never be happy." The figure says as he holds back salty tears of his own.

"I- I can't soo. It's too much. He's been gone for so long I've forgotten what his warmth felt like. I made a promise to wait. I- I can't break that Soo...I'm sorry." Baekhyun barely stuttered out between his echoing sobs, stumbling over his words slightly.

Before Kyungsoo had the chance to respond, Baekhyun escaped his grasp and lied down next to the newly placed flowers. The pale moon light reflecting in his mahogany brown eyes with flecks of umber, creating a sea of sorrow, buried deep within this broken person.

Baekhyun was lost without his Chanyeol. His beautiful flower in a vast sea of bland. His Chrysanthemum.

•Wow my first real book where I actually tried. I was really Inspired to write this from listening to Sick Of Losing Soulmates by Dodie Clark also reading way to many sad stories. Anyways I haven't made many good things like this so whatever.•

May contain typos and/or grammar mistakes

Word Count: 731

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