Strangers ~ Changlix

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The cool, autumn wind rustled the shimmering cherry blossoms, Changbin felt at peace for the first time. He escaped a bad relationship and couldn't feel better. He Shattering the rusting chains that held him back from true happiness. He came to Seoul for a new start. A fresh start. No relationships or drama, just him against the world. Until he realized Chan was with him of course. Chan was always up for something. He almost never said no and was, well, basically the opposite of Changbin, but Changbin felt as if he needed to be along for awhile. Not thinking about anything but his work and school, leading a peaceful life there in the big city. Away from everything. No flower Shoppes, no unfamiliar cafes, and definitely no guys. I feel like that's enough backstory for now, right?

«2 years ago, Changbin's perspective»

It was slow and peaceful day. Perfect time to go to the coffee shoppe. As I sat there reading while sitting on an old, tattered sofa, I could smell the pleasant aromas of my surrounding area. It smelled like Caramel and coffee grounds. Before going back to my book, I was interrupted by none other than Bang Chan, my best friend.

"Changbin-ah!" my annoying, over protective hyung yelled as he jogged his way over to my area. Pretending I didn't hear him, I turned back to my book, not wanting to get involved with anything Chan had to say at the moment. No matter how uninterested I looked, Chan still sped over my way.

"Changbin-ah! You said you need a good paying job right?" the silver-haired male questioned. "Maybe. Where's it at?"

"Some cute little flower shoppe across the street from you apartment! It's close, it's convenient, it's easy and you get paid decent money!" He sounded pretty convincing. I'll have to check this place out soon to make sure it's up to my standards. Who am I kidding, I have no standards.

   "Alright, but this place better be good. I don't wanna be stuck as a bagger for Frys forever." Chan mocked my tone but continued to rant to me about how nice the store was. Very enthusiastically I might add. He went on and on about the beautiful flower murals that flourished the walls of the shoppe. I could already tell Chan was getting anxious that I didn't care and thought his rambling was annoying, he usually does this thing with his neck when he gets embarrassed where he jolts his head to the side, not fast but not slow. I got used to it after some time. I've learned how to deal with his late-night rants about a lot of different things; new boys, K-dramas, Actors, whatever it is, Chan's already had a very lengthy conversation about it. It's not that I find it annoying, it's that I don't have it in me to converse right now. He talks so much it's like he asks me a question then answers it for himself. I don't mind much nowadays. Can't be irritated at your best friend for long now can you?

    "Changbin-ah, did you listen to a word I said?" he asked, while his head was still jerking to the side. "If I'm gonna be honest Chan-hyung, no." he sighed heavily, knowing I have a problem with listening to people. "Changbin, I want to show you to the flower shoppe right now. It's nice, it's open and it's sort of new. I think your gonna love it there. Even though your more of a dark colors and stuff, I still think this will suit you well." Chan beamed, his dimples showing ever so slightly. I didn't thinks flower shoppe would bring such a blinding smile to his face.

   "Okay, fine. I'll go check it out but afterwards you have to give me time to catch up on all this reading I could be doing.", "Deal!" Chan practically dragged me three blocks just to see this flower shoppe.

   As I was being dragged to the store, I passed by some people, some looked in a hurry to get somewhere, others looked like the world wasn't even spinning, just standing there. Content with life and everything that has been thrown at them. Man I wish I could spend all my time feeling like that. Lately I've had so much school work to do I haven't anytime to do anything, except reading which eventually gets interrupted by Chan's wild stories. Although he always makes sure to never, ever interrupt me when studying or doing work. He's learned the hard way from that.

It wasn't long before we reached 21st Street where the little flower shoppe called home. Before I could be welcomed to the bittersweet aroma of plants and the sweet scent of fresh flowers, Chan pulled the door instead of pushing. After figuring it out, the door was locked.

Chan nervously chuckled, somewhat embarrassed. I don't know why he would be embarrassed because it's just him and I here, until I looked through the see through glass doors. There was a boy, he looks like a senior, maybe older, definitely younger than me. He had a childish face but his honey gold eyes encased in amber were absolutely mesmerizing. Chan looked nervous around the kid, assuming Chan liked him, I nudged him in his ribcage. My form of endearment. After being sent a harsh glare from the older, the other boy opened the door. Boy I wasn't ready for the smell. I expect like the scent of pollen but it smelled like heaven. Pictures of cherry blossoms and magnolia trees littered the walls, perfectly balancing out the baby blue sky background. It was homey. It was perfect. The way glass windows with images of flowers with various hues flowed into the beautiful architecture of the building was absolutely stunning. Not a single thing about this place was unappealing.

I studied the variety of colors of flowers lined along the walls, amazed by how beautiful something as simple as a flower could be. They had everything here; cacti, daisies, roses, some flowers I couldn't even say the name of. The high roof seem to go on forever, but stopping at the glimmering chandelier that hung from it. It wasn't too flashy or fancy and it wasn't too plain. It was undoubtedly everything I could ever want in a workplace. I have a feeling that Chan's only working here for that boy. It's quiet and peaceful, and quiet wasn't really in Chan's dictionary.

"Are you just gonna stare at the walls or you gonna ask for a job?" the mystery boy sassed. I already like him. "Would you kick me out if I admired the walls any longer?"

"Depends on what you do after that. You could walk out and leave or man up and ask for a job. Your friend Chan thought you might like working here, gave me your résumé and literally begged and pleaded for ten minutes to get me to say yes so are you gonna waste my time or not?", What did Chan teach this child? "What if I said I didn't want to work here? What would you do?"

"Probably kick your ass outta here, but you haven't said no, have you?" Did Chan teach him such language? He looks so innocent. "Okay. I'll ask for the job. May I have a job here?" (A/N don't give shit about this. i don't know how this shit works. just go with it.)

"That's enough convincing for me. Your hired. You start Monday. Watch the cacti, they tend to hurt. Don't
over water the plants unless you have a death wish, literally don't take Seungmim seriously, like ever. Got it?" He sounds so professional for a kid. "Yes sir."

"And remember, this is my store, no funny buisness. I'll know so don't even try. I've fired way too many good workers because they don't know how to listen." my somewhat scary boss demanded. I don't even know his name and I'm already quivering. I was trying to look anywhere except his eyes when I caught a glimpse of his name tag. Jeongin huh? Never heard that name before. As I walked out of the little shoppe, Chan smacked my head.

"That's for talking to him without mentioning me."

«skip ahead 3 days, Monday 9/17/18»

"What do you mean he's sick?"

to be continued

part 2 and maybe 3 will most likely be posted within the next week.
Word Count: 1,428

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