Risks ~ Taehyun

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•warning: there is a 99% chance i spelled something wrong because im illiterate so just don't say anything and keep reading m'kay? m'kay.•

It was the third night in a row that Jaehyun came home late. It worried Taeyong that he wasn't getting enough time away from work. Eventually, Taeyong got used to sleeping alone, eating dinner alone, watching their shows alone. Everything. Jaehyun just wasn't around anymore. It's not like it's his fault anyways. His new promotions got him working on 16 to 20 hours of work everyday. They both know it's a risky move to stay together while Jaehyun is never there, but it was a risk they were willing to take.

   Today was just like every other day. After spending the day running his coffee shop downtown, he would come home to a note or cards , usually about Jaehyun apologizing for not being there, but Taeyong stopped reading them. They were full of the same things ever single time and no matter how many times Taeyong gets them, he still misses him. He misses the late night talks about whatever is on their minds and waking up to each other and making breakfast together while blasting their favorite songs on the speaker. As soon as Taeyong passes by the letter filled with empty promises, he's quick to text or call Jaehyun, knowing he probably won't pick up or respond. Taeyong knew this wasn't working. Either Jaehyun needs a new job or he can hope and pray that he gets the promotion to CEO of his fathers company.

   Of course Taeyong wants what's best for his fiancé but he hasn't seen Jaehyuns actual face in days. The closest thing he's seen to him is a FaceTime call that lasted roughly 7 minutes before Jaehyun was needed again. He can't stand being away from him for so long. Jaehyun rarely ever gets day off and when he does, Taeyong always has something to do at the shop. There's just no time for each other anymore.

   One day, Taeyong finally snapped. He got in his very expensive Lexus and drove straight to where Jaehyun worked. He didn't even stop to sign in or anything. He set down his ID with his fiancés fathers assistant, Krystal, was and burst into the office doors of his soon to be husbands room. Taeyongs irritated look on his face immediately softened after seeing Jaehyun look so sleep deprived but so happy to see the love of his life. Jaehyun stood up from his leather chair and walked over to Taeyong and engulfed him into the most passion filled hug they have ever shared. They both pulled away and shared a long awaited kiss. Taeyong smiled into the kiss and pulled his fiancé closer.

After their little reunion, Jaehyun got a request from his boss, his father; Lee Donghae, to meet him in the conference room. He passed by one of his coworkers slacking off on his way to the room.

Jaehyun, nerves flying off the radar, took his light steps of caution into his fathers conference room. He could either be told that he had no more days to take off or he's getting promoted to CEO, taking over his father position, just like his dad did for his grandfather, and his father.

His hands were shaking as he turned the cold, steel handle, his hand almost slipping from the sweat building up from his nerves. He took one last glance at his dad's assistant, Krystal, his eyes alone asking her a question. A very important question that is. Good news of Bad news? To this she responded, mouthing it, You'll just have to see, he's been in there all day. No food, no phone calls, nothing. Good luck. Jaehyun mouthed a quick thank you before walking in and taking a seat across from his fathers chair. The long, mahogany table sat two family members. Father and Son. To make things much better, Mr. Lee didn't look too pleased. It made Jaehyun wonder whether or not he got the job or not.

"Son," Mr. Lee began, taking a long breath before continuing, "You seem uneasy. Do you not have confidence that you can upstand the Lee legacy of this company?"

"No sir." Jaehyun stiffened. He sat straight up in his seat. Not looking away from his father while he was speaking to him. His dad would call it a sign of disrespect if the eyes of the speaker and listener were not focused on each other while speaking. He was a very traditional man, always staying true to his word.

"Son, stop. Right now I'm not your boss, I'm your dad. And your Dad is here to congratulate you on your new job as CEO of our Enterprise. Good job my boy. You made you grandfather and I proud." Mr. Lee was beaming with pride as he watch the way his sons eyes glisten at the thought of running his own company. He hadn't felt this proud since the day his son was born. Jaehyun went up to hug his dad and payed his respects and his own fair share of Thanks You's. He was so happy, he almost ran down the hall to tell his fiancé the good news

He unlocked his office to find Taeyong fast asleep on his comforter made for guests. He looked so peaceful, Jaehyun didn't dare even trying to wake him up. Instead he packed his things, carried Taeyong to his car bridal style, occasionally moving his bangs out of his lovers face to catch a glimpse of him at his most peaceful state. He felt content. He'd finally be able to sleep next to his fiancé. He'd finally be able to wake up next to
him and make pancakes while blasting their favorite music on the speaker. They'd finally be able to see each other in person as often as they wanted. Jaehyun couldn't wait until Taeyong awakens to tell him his pleasant news.


Wow. Guess who hasn't published anything in this book for weeks on end with any explanation whatsoever.
Hint; the answer is me.
well, it's her now and it sucks but you know why, it's my book and if i wanna post shit that doesn't make any sense, I'll post shit that doesn't make any sense.

Word count; 1,033

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 11, 2018 ⏰

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