Chapter 1

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"First impressions last the longest."

"So, what are you gonna do?" Kadijah's question rang through your ears as you sat and ate your food. You were at dinner with your cousin and a couple of your friends in a desperate need top get out of the house.  The restaurant wasn't as crowed as it usually would be on a Thursday night. The atmosphere was pleasant, filled with the murmur of conversation and utensils clinking against the plates. No different than what was going on at your table. You shake your head and sigh. This wasn't necessarily the desired topic of discussion for you tonight. You wanted to forget about your troubles at home, even if it were for just one night.

"I don't know Dee," You say putting my fork down. I sit back in my seat and sigh again. "I don't know what I can do about the situation. I just want what's best for Olivia. Will needs to be present in her life. That's all I want."

She smacks her teeth. "Ok but he barely is. He's still fucked up from when Ciara left, he can't hold on to that shit forever. It's almost as if he want's nothing to do with that child cause she not here."

At this point you were starting to get a headache. "Can we talk about something else please? That's the reason we came out right, to get away from all the bullshit?"

She takes a long look at me with her deep brown eyes letting you know that she was adamant about having this conversation, but she sighs, signaling that she's giving in.

"Yeah I guess."

You let out a breath. "Thank you."

"Well now that we done talking bout depressing shit, can we talk about how fine them two niggas at the other table are?" your friend Gina pipes up flipping her braids over her shoulder and resting her chin on her hands. Her eyes peering over at something behind us. 
"Dude with the dreads got me feeling a way, I need him to rearrange my guts yesterday!"

You look at her unimpressed. "Bitch you always talkin about getting ya back blown out.  Weren't you just complaining that you couldn't walk the other day when you hooked up with Daquan? Walked into work all bow-legged and shit. I thought you need a handicap decal." You feign concern. "Ain't you tired sis?"

She rolls her eyes. "Tuh! When you can't walk that just mean he hitting it right you can call me Kevin Gates cause ion get tired!"

You stare at her "Wow."

Kadijah shook her head. "You are triflin as hell."

"Indeed, she is. What you need to do is find you a husband and not just some guy to fuck. I'm telling you, you'd be much more satisfied." Your other friend Danita says looking at Gina with disgust. She just got married last year and now she thinks she's above everyone else. She's like that light-skinned girl from Insecure who thinks she has the perfect man and the perfect marriage, but the more layers you peel back, the more dirt you find. Not to say that you weren't happy for her, cause you were, but you just wish she would shut the fuck up sometimes and let ya'll single bitches live, shit.

Gina throws Danita a look. "Girl shut yo boring married ass up and besides fuck me, look at the them."

You and Kadijah both roll your eyes and finally turn around to see 5 people sitting at the table behind us two men and three women. Two of the three women had shaved heads and were dressed in what looked like armor the red uniforms highlighted their dark skin as their alert eyes scanned the room wearing bound and determined looks on their faces letting folks know that they weren't anyone to fuck with and they were prepared for anything to pop off. Sitting next to them was the first man, and you had to admit he was fine as hell like Gina said. His short dreads hung on the left side of his face, brown eyes, nice full lips, he looked kind of irritated though, like either he didn't wanna be there or he wasn't feeling the conversation that was taking place at their table. But damn even with that scowl on his face he still looked good. He was looking kinda swole too, like he was finna bust out that jacket he had on. The other girl looked to be the youngest out of all of them. Her braided hair was done up in a high bun and was wearing a black and white dress. She was talking to the man sitting next to, who, if you were being honest, the most beautiful man you had ever seen in your life. From his brow skin to the curls in his hair, large dark eyes that you could get lost in for hours, that smile and infectious laughter. Jesus Christ, he could light up a room with that smile and his full lips, not as big as the other one's but still you could think of quiet a few things he could do with tho-

First Impressions • Black PantherWhere stories live. Discover now