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"What the actual hell?!" Jessica cried as she paced around her room her hands rubbing her temples.
Alana laughed as her friend panicked over the slight encounter with her old friend.

"Honestly, Jess, it wasn't that bad" Alana said after her laughs faded.

"Yeah right, Matt Cooper, my ex best friend called me hot!" She said plopping down on her bed next to Alana her eyes wide open as she slouched.

Alana laughed "and that's bad because..?"

"Uhm it's horrible! I hate him. I hate him so much. And it didn't help that you were laughing behind him the entire time." Jessica rolled her eyes as Alan continued to laugh, knowing Jessica had exaggerated her feeling about him.

"First of all, Jess, you don't hate him. You guys just became distant after he started dating..." Alana's voice trailed off

Jessica sighed as she laid face down on her bed going over what happened at the mall.

Jessica rolls her eyes as she gets back on her two feet and glares at the guy. Then she notices who made her fall.

"Matt?!" She says crossing her sour cream covered arms.

"Yeah?" He says grabbing a napkin and attempting to clean her shirt. He then looks up.

"Holy shit. Jess?" He says not noticing his hand is in the middle of her breast's as he tried to clean.

She pushes his hand off before replying.
"Yeah that's me" she says trying to act nonchalant and then grabs another towel and proceeds to clean off herself.

"Uhm. Haha it's Matt. Matt Cooper!" He smiles as Jessica looks up unwillingly.

"I'm pretty sure we addressed that." She rolls her eyes and snatched the napkin out of his hand before wiping the last of her chipotle off of herself.

"Oh yeah" he chuckled nervously. "How-How've you been" Jessica looked up at him somewhat confused. For as long as she knew Matt, he was never one to be awkward or shy.

"Fine." She says before picking up her bags for the party and signaling Alana it was time to leave. However she was lost silently laughing at the tense situation.

"Yeah I can tell! I mean look at you!" He exclaimed regaining his egotistical attitude and confidence.

"You're hot as fuck!" He said quickly eyeing her up and down.

Jessica's jaw dropped. Matt smirked. Jessica decided she liked nervous shy Matt better.

"Alana! Alana! Come on it's time to leave!" As she turned around Alana following behind, Matt grabbed her arm and spun her around before looking in her shopping bag.

"Going to Bryant's party?" He looked up at her.

At a loss for words Jessica plainly nodded.

"Where something cute for me" he winked before letting her go.


Jessica groaned as she got up from her face down position on her bed.
"He was such a dick! He- He spilled my chipotle, touched my boob, called me hot, did that disgusting smirk," Jessica gagged as she continued, "invaded my personal space and privacy as to what I bought, and basically made me uncomfortable for that entire 5 minute period of my life! I'm never getting that back you know!" Jessica began to rant as Alana calmed her down.

"That's it! You need to de stress! I'm calling Charlie!" Alana smirked as she grabbed her phone.

HEY GUYS SORRY FOR THE INACTIVITY!! I had a lot of family over and it was impossible to write! BE SURE TO CHECK OUT THE CHARACTERS PAGE BECAUSE I ADDED 5 NEW CHARACTERS!! Yeah but anyways I hope you enjoyed!! Love you xoxo!

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