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I immediately jumped away from Jisoo. "It's not what it looks like." I said and Jisoo stared at me weirdly.

"Oh..um well sorry for interrupting, I just wanted to see how you were." Seungkwan said and I smiled at him "I'm great now, no need to worry."

I got up and walked to him, pulling him in a hug. "I'm really okay." I whispered to assure him. "I believe you." he said pulling away before pecking my lips. "I'll leave you two to talk, see you after class." he said and walked out.

"What the hell did just happen?" asked Jisoo as I turned around to face him. "Well..." I drifted off looking away from him. "Spill it out Hansol." he said more seriously.

"Okay, okay so long story short we had a project together and we ended up kissing, which helped me remember everything and now were here." I blurted out.

"Why didn't you tell me?" he whined, making me chuckle. "You were more important at the moment."

"Look, I know what I said was a little harsh but you didn't have to take it that seriously. I still want to know what goes on in your life." he said, making me smile.

"Thank you for being the best friend in the world." I giggled and hugged him once again before people started coming in the classroom.


"Aghh, kill me now." I groaned, which made Minghao look at me with confusion. "What's wrong, you don't like literature?" he chuckled and I sent him a glare.

I hate literature. I really truly hate it. No, hate isn't the right word. I despise it. Yeah, that sounds better.

I literally don't understand why we have to know all this shit. It's not like we're gonna need it anyway. This is just a waist off time.

"Oh I just love it." I said sarcastically, making him chuckle even more. "Don't worry, only 7 minuets left. You can survive that, right?" he asked as my head dropped on my hand. "I don't know, I think I already see the light." I maybe dramatized a little too much.

"Well it was nice knowing ya, say hi to my to Lucifer for me." he said and my head snapped up. "First of all that was rude and second of all I'm going to heaven not hell, you dickhead." I said glaring at his soul.

"Not with that mouth you won't." he mumbled but I obviously heard it. I decided to not argue anymore so I simply sent him another glare before closing my eyes and dropping my head back down.

Literally a second after the bell rang. I groaned once again while opening my eyes. "Oh man, I thought you were going to hell and I won't have to deal with you here in heaven." I said as I saw Minghao looking at me. "Ha ha, funny." he said, collecting his things. "I know, I try." I said back smirking before leaving the classroom.

It's not that we don't get along but we're both from other countries so literature isn't our favorite subject. That's just how we tease each other and the lessons are actually quite fun, even if we have no idea what the teacher is talking about.

"Hansol!" I heard someone call my name, making me spin around to find the owner off the voice. "Hansol." now said an almost breathless boy in front of me. "Yes Seungkwan?" I asked chuckling.

"Are..you..free...after school?" he barely made out between deep breaths. "Well, my parents are coming home today so I kinda have to be with them a little. Why?" I explained before a small smirk started to grow on my lips. Is he trying to ask me out?

"Oh-um-nothing, I just wanted to..uh.. never mind." he signed, looking down as a slight blush spread across his chubby cheeks. "I'm free tomorrow if you wanna go out, you still need to make it up to me." I offered smiling while his face became completely red.

"Right, yeah sure we can go out if that's what you want." he tried to play it cool but obviously failed. I simply ruffled his hair before leaving him for my next period.

Holy shit, I'm going out with Seungkwan tomorrow. What are we gonna do? Where are we gonna go? Oh crap, what am I gonna wear? I don't care as long as he likes it.

"What's got you all smiley?" asked Junhui, snapping me out of my thoughts. "Your delightful boyfriend." I smirked back, earning a glare from him. "Kidding, kidding it was Seungkwan." I quickly said after, not wanting to see angry Junhui.

"You two dating yet?" he asked, making me chuckle. "No no, we haven't even been on a date." "Hurry up you two, we're all wait for the Verkwan to be real." he cheered and I smacked his head.

"Shut up will you." I sent him a glare before sitting down at my desk. Verkwan, huh? I like the sound of that.

Hey hey
Here's a short chapter, it's a little boring but I was out off ideas.

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