Forget me (not)

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So, perhaps hiding in the bathroom connecting his room to Jimin’s with a bouquet of flowers at his feet wasn’t the best idea Jungkook has ever had. But at the same time, it isn’t really his worst idea. Just a little bit flawed. But how else is he supposed to make sure he knows when Jimin gets home and goes to his room alone? Some of Jimin’s friends are rather shy and quiet, so Jungkook would rather not chance bursting in with flowers and humiliating Jimin like that.

He’s already been defeated by circumstance several times, having misplaced the stuffed animal he’d meant to use as his initial confession to Taehyung crashing the hangout between him and Jimin moments before Jungkook worked up his courage to ask the elder man out. So yeah, Jungkook figures that this is the best plan of action to make sure nothing is ruined this time.

The flowers near Jungkook’s feet as he crouches besides the cracked door are light blue in color, and he delicately runs a finger over one of the forget-me-not blossoms. Jimin’s favorite color has always been a light blue, and these flowers are the perfect shade. And maybe Jungkook’s just a little bit dramatic; the flowers do, supposedly, symbolize true love.

It’s a bit of a crazy hope, but as Jungkook carefully fiddles with the flower petals, he can’t help but let his mind wander. Jimin… to him, Jimin is the most amazing person on the planet. He’s seen Jimin’s flaws many times over in the ten years they’ve been friends, and he always helps the elder man to the best of his ability, encouraging him to eat and reassuring him dozens of times when some people may have gotten annoyed and stopped answering. Jimin is Jungkook’s everything, has been since he was eleven and Jimin was thirteen. Inseparable, taking on the world together as they phrased it, getting into the same college, albeit two years apart.

But now, twenty one and twenty three, Jungkook likes to believe that nothing has really changed. They’re just as close and as clingy as they were as kids, and they own an apartment together near the college — Jungkook is a junior, and Jimin a recently graduated senior who works at one of the dance studios on campus.

They still talk late into the night, go to each other when crises happen, and do as much as possible together. Their childhood tradition of a movie night every Saturday has held strong, their ritual of waking ups around the same time to watch another anime episode hasn’t once been broken, save for the occasional sleeping in or early shift day.

Jungkook honestly can’t remember when he realized that he was in love with Jimin. He’d had his sexuality crisis in freshman year of high school, and Jimin had been there through that breakdown and reassured him that it’s okay to like guys because Jimin likes them too.

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