Nightmares of a Beast

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Created and written by Reino_Saito

Tonight, I snuck into the shower rooms of a high school nearby. Stripping of my worn clothes and ever present banana, I let the water run and hop in once it's hot to the touch. I let the soothing water glide over the stiff muscles in my back and bow my head under the stream of water. After  scrubbing grime from my skin, I wrap a discarded towel around my waist and watch the murky water swirl  down the drain.

Exiting the shower I ruffle the water from my hair with my fingers, eyes half closed, and chin to chest. I drop my arm to my side with a "wump" when a loud bang comes from the direction of the lockers closest to me. Grimacing, I turn my head to the direction of the sound like an owl. Standing there gaping is a kid my age, his t-shirt pulled up to his reveal a taught belly. Kinda surprised, I put one hand at the top my towel, cross a leg, and lean up on one of the blue lockers.


'Great, real great' That was really smooth Seithen. Real smooth.

But before I can say a word, the poor kid is already in one of the showers turning on the faucet; the sound of the running water snapping me back to reality. Scratching my neck, I drop the towel onto the bench and get dressed. I zip up my hood and climb up into one of the ajoining pipes, catching the edge of the lockers under the toe of my shoes. Lifting my body over the top of the lockers, I move one of the ceiling tiles and I retreive my white clothed bundle, hopping back down to the ground.

I'm getting ready to leave when I nearly run into a gaggle of boys coming in the door. I launch off the benches, climb back onto my red pipe  and nearly fall back on my ass in the process. Griping the metal with my knees, I tie my bundle across my back and wait to see what happens.

From here, I can see anyone coming out of the shower and anyone who comes in three feet past the door. From the looks of it, these boys aren't here for a shower. My suspicion is proven when one with a wooden stick reaches into that kid's stall and ends up flying back into the lockers. All you can see is a tan calf sticking out the shower stall.

What happens next suprises me though. You know that kid that gaped at me coming out the shower ten minutes ago? The kid with his shirt up his belly?Yeah, that kid's standing there half naked and looking pretty pissed at the guy who just tried to whip his ass with a wooden stick.

"Boy, if you wanted to see me naked that bad you could've just said so." The kid's comment makes me internally smile and I can't help but smile when the other guy looks back at him appalled. Aside from flying into the lockers, he had gotten up with a wet foot print on his abdomen. A couple boys snicker from behind stick guy, "shut up!" The laughing stops. "Callum,  you're gonna pay for that, you cocky little shit" he spat. The wood stick swung over his shoulder once again,  the guy leads his posey. Like wolves, they all moved forward behind him. The boys launched forward with weapons and arms fists ready for the fight.

The kid Callum, grinned. I can't help but smile too, his glee is contagious. He reminds me of myself at my first back alley skirmish. The fight that began was something else, one minute the entire pack charges forward and the next they're scrambling away. Callum's moves are fast and towel not once falling from his hips, his muscular form going through the throng of boys at a break neck pace and never looking away. Once a third are down, they all gang up on him weapons raised. Two of them pull out knives.

This can't be fair, the scene making the blood boil in my veins. As the other boys move forward, I'm drawing my blade from the white bundle on my back. Blood pumping, the white fabricated handle snug in my fist. Callum speaks up "Okay. Slow down, do you really think this is a fair fight Dylan?" Exactly what I thought kid, good thinking. "Well I can't call letting you knock down half my guys fair" At the retort, I glared at the little bully wishing I could just jump down and join in. The itch under my skin had me yearning for a fight. Probably not the best idea, but I want to stretch a bit. Can I just jump in like this? Nah, if it were me I wouldn't want anybody jumping in on my fight. Most likely best to just leave em alone for the time being............though, I really would like to "help"

"Then come at me, fag" The Callum kid shrugs, rolling his shoulders back. oh now I get it. It's only because this kid's gay. Seriously?! Bats, knives and sticks for something like this. Isn't that a bit much?


Thanks for reading!

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